Sunday 30 October 2011

When Does ‘Citizen Journalism’ Cross The Line?

Mr Perry, of Southfield Close, Wetwang (Ed: stop sniggering at the back!), believes he is being targeted in a "witch hunt".

He said: "I am not a nuisance. I haven't harassed anyone. All I've done is ask them for a right to reply on my stories.

"I was just doing the job of a decent citizen. I was exercising my right to scrutinise local issues.

"I'm going to persist in this case and fight the Asbo. I was just doing a public service."
That’ll be one to watch, then? His alleged victims are adamant that he has this coming:
Former Driffield mayor Councillor Steve Poessl said Mr Perry had made his life a misery for about two years.

He said: "It started when I was the mayor. I found it hurtful.

"It is not something you want when you are in public office.

"I had not seen or heard of this man before."
What do you want when you are in public office, then? Never to be asked any questions? Never to have to meet any member of the public that hasn’t already been vetted by your staff?

Never to have a complaint made against you?
East Riding Council's standards committee has rejected five complaints made by Mr Perry against local councillors in Driffield, Pocklington and Wetwang.

All five complaints were lodged in a two-month period last year.
Sounds like someone went a little mad with the ‘Contact Us!’ button on the council website!

The complaints make interesting reading:
They included allegations that one councillor in Wetwang carried out an "orchestrated campaign" against him by writing letters to his website host company in an attempt to get the site taken down.

Mr Perry also claimed the unnamed parish councillor had been trying to provoke "vigilante action" against him by distributing posters about him in the village.

In his other official complaints, Mr Perry accused unnamed Pocklington and Driffield town councillors of "malice, deceitfulness and intimidation" towards him.
So, he’s got an ASBO for harassment and unwelcomed contact for complaining about…well, harassment and unwelcomed contact?

Hmmm, this is definitely going to be one to watch.

As is this, from fellow Tweeter and Blogger @Sir_Olly_C.

1 comment:

  1. Going to have to get a new label for these as it is increasingly the case that the aggrieved are trying to stretch harassment law to cover areas which should be part of defamation and publishing law.
