Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Another Day, Another Failure Of Justice…

Two 17-year-old gang members who boasted they 'always get bail' walked free from court despite torturing a boy for two and a half hours.
Proving that soft sentence are so damn prevalent, they hold no terrors whatsoever for the street scum.
They beat the 15-year-old unconscious outside Stepney Green Tube station and dragged him to a block of flats where they terrorised him with a home-made flame thrower and threatened to cut off his fingers.
Snaresbrook crown court heard how they and their gang committed further muggings and attacks. In one a 13-year-old boy was left with a fractured eye socket.
And they will undoubtedly carry on until they kill someone. What’s to stop them?
The 17-year-olds admitted robbery, violent disorder and assault causing actual bodily harm. They were sentenced to two-year rehabilitation orders. The judge described their attack on the boy as "incredibly terrifying".
What I find ‘incredibly terrifying’ is that our justice system is so lacking in effective punishment and our government and public institutions so overstuffed with apologists for these feral beasts we are condemning decent people to living alongside…


  1. Although not mentioned in the original article .. I think it highly likely that the ethnicity & religion of the accused have been taken into consideration in this case ..

    After all, the area around Stepney Green is one which has been declared a "no go" area for those not subscribing to the RoP ..

    I could be wrong .. but given past history, I'd say its at least worth considering ..

  2. As the lefties and bleeding hearts have made an environment that we no longer need to excise personal responsibility or self-reliance is it any wonder morals and the standards and values of society have sunk so low. That bad behaviour is not suitably punished because the lowering of standards effects the judiciary as much as the criminal element. We should lock up the loony left, Greens and bleeding heart nosey busy bodies for the dreadful harm they have done by giving us the nanny state, social democrat laws and regulations and an unaffordable health service and welfare state and wasted our money on social projects that do not work. They have brought us to the abyss of total social and economic collapse.

  3. "..our justice system is so lacking in effective punishment and our government and public institutions so overstuffed with apologists for these feral beasts we are condemning decent people to living alongside… "

    Working as designed; working EXACTLY as designed.

  4. I'd like a hand of VH poker, please.

    On Monday we saw the ghastly 16-year old Vicky Pollard named and photographed to try to get some traction on her ASBO. Good.

    As can be seen from the pictures, Vicky is white and female.

    On 25 October we didn't see some offenders of a similar age identified, although their crimes are even more serious than Vicky's.

    As the other hand of VH poker can't be played at the moment, I can only point out that a failure to identify them has to be either because they not the same sex or because they are not the same colour as Ms Pollard.

    It must be absurd to identify less-serious offenders but not more serious ones.

  5. You withold a fraction of your council tax and you go to jail. No chance of a soft sentence. Beat the crap out of someone and torture them you get off lightly. Unless you are a soldier waterboarding a terrorist. then you go to jail too. We have a totally fractured justice system.

    The two scrotes should have received 10 years hard labour with no remission.

  6. My dad was stationed in Osnabruck in the early 50s. It being not long after the end of the war, there was a bit of shall we say antagonism towards the occupying allied forces.

    Several German women were known to pick up squaddies stationed there, offer to take them home, where they'd be beaten senseless by a waiting gang of German men waiting in an alley.

    This happened once too often, and next time the women were seen, they picked up 2 more squaddies to take "home".
    Only this time they weren't alone, and when out jumped the the gang, they found both ends of the street were full of pissed off squaddies and had nowhere to run to.

    There was no police involvement, no courts issuing slapped wrists and £10 fines. Suffice to say the repercussions were a bit on the severe side and thought better than to try it again.

    These fuckers will do it once too often and find that karma is a menstruating, menopausal bitch!!

  7. Sorry but if they did this to any child of mine, they would end up in a shallow grave in a remote forest.

  8. Had it been a "hate crime" (aka white on coloured) there would have been much trumpeting and breast-beating by the media.

    If there is a quiet acceptance by the authorities and a sweeping under the carpet, we can assume it wasn't hate at all. Just a few of the darker-skinned lads out for some fun (or being misunderstood) who happened to beat up maybe a different skin tone.

    But no hate in there. As we now know, all hate comes from whites alone. No one else in the world hates anyone else.


  9. We shouldn't encourage vigilantism. But if nothing else is working.....

  10. "Although not mentioned in the original article .. I think it highly likely that the ethnicity & religion of the accused have been taken into consideration in this case .."

    Either that, or their holy status as 'deprived youths'...

    "They have brought us to the abyss of total social and economic collapse."

    And seem intent on driving us right over it.

    "It must be absurd to identify less-serious offenders but not more serious ones."

    Indeed. I wonder if anyone in the justice system ever seems this with their own eyes, or id they truly are blind/beyond caring?

    "These fuckers will do it once too often and find that karma is a menstruating, menopausal bitch!!"

    The thug life is likely to see them dead in the gutter soon, at the hands of a bigger gang. If it was just the gangs killing their own, I'd get the popcorn, but innocents are often caught in the crossfire...
