Wednesday, 2 November 2011

It’s Been Ages Since We Had One Of These…

Despite only weighing 3 stone 5lbs, Tayler Gunn’s parents were sent a letter warning them he was close to being regarded as clinically obese.

Tayler, five, a 3ft 6ins pupil at Millhouse Infant School in Laindon was measured and weighed as part of the Government’s National Child Measurement Programme, which aims to gauge youngsters’ size to plan for future healthcare.
And we all know they are a waste of time and money, but it seems that trusts are ploughing doggedly on, because after all, the money tap clearly hasn’t dried up yet, has it?
Leanne, of Devonshire Gardens, Laindon, fumed: “You only have to look at Tayler to see he is a normal boy. He is no fatter or taller than anyone else in his class.

“Not only have they told me my perfectly healthy son is overweight and almost obese, they just assume I feed him rubbish and need to get lessons in cooking.

“Tayler is a fit and healthy little boy, he loves fruit and veg and all of our family eat well. He does weekly dance and football sessions.

I don’t need tips on how to keep him active and healthy!”
But how will all these staff employed on these pointless job creation schemes feed their own children without these jobs, Mrs Gunn?

Won’t you – or someone - think of the chiiiilllreeeeen of the public sector workers!?
A spokesman for the trust said it was a Government scheme and wouldn’t comment on individual cases.
‘Big boys did it and ran away!’


  1. That's a BMI of 18.7, just in the normal range, but close to the under weight boundary. BMI is inaccurate thiough. But who could have said he was nearly obese from the BMI calculation? only a moron!

  2. I don't need tips on how to keep him active and healthy!
    I'm so pleased to see the mother's robust response that I'm trying to overlook the boy's chav name.

    ..., Mrs Gunn?
    Oh, Julia, your age is showing. You and your quaint notion that a mother and child might have the same surname!

  3. Chalcedon, a senior health visitor in my areas is notorious for flagging up as 'undernourished' every single baby who is below the 50th centile for weight.

    What's more, she is responsible for 'on-the-job' training, ensuring a whole new crop of busybodies who share her mathematical delusions. What's the betting there's a similar type at the root of this case?

  4. Computer says "fat"

  5. The worrying thing is that they believe the chart rather than their own eyes. Really.

  6. "But who could have said he was nearly obese from the BMI calculation? only a moron!"

    That's who we are employing these days, it seems. Roll on that strike!

    "Oh, Julia, your age is showing. You and your quaint notion that a mother and child might have the same surname!"

    And that she might be married! To the same man!

    "What's more, she is responsible for 'on-the-job' training, ensuring a whole new crop of busybodies who share her mathematical delusions. "


    "The worrying thing is that they believe the chart rather than their own eyes. Really."

    An inevitable result of the 'training'...

  7. What beats me is why the mother took even the slightest notice of this nonsense.

    I would have glanced at it, shrugged at the waste of money involved, and put it straight in the bin without any further ado.

    What is wrong with people that they think the State's opinion matters in any way?
