Tuesday 15 November 2011

A New Low For The Police..?

A London police force is being sued over claims that it used two undercover dwarfs to carry out an anti-terror search.

Maybe they were only ‘undercover’ because the uniform department can’t cope?
A Russian doctor is claiming £55,000 saying City of London Police officers also sexually assaulted him and took his DNA to carry out "covert biological experiments".

Sadly, the men in white coats haven’t been summoned for this case, but the men in grey wigs have:
The case will be considered by a High Court judge and the City force has engaged lawyers at taxpayers' expense to defend the action.
And when the case is thrown out (please god, it will be, won’t it?) will the mental health services take over?


  1. Got to watch out for these undercover dwarfs. They keep a low profile.

  2. "Undercover Dwarfs stole my DNA"?

    That fits right along side, "Space Aliens Shaved my Ferrets" in the Sunday Sport.

  3. The underpant gnomes in South Park turned out to be real - I expect these dwarfs to turn up in the Border Agency.

  4. More proof we live in a fascist police state. It's lucky for him they didn't shoot him, bet they would if he had been brazilian.

    Hope he wins and those thieving pigs made to give his DNA back. It's a shame those dwarves joined the rozzers as people will now be suspicious when they see little people and fear they might be undercover cops.

    Sadly, the above is what probably at least 10% of the population will be thinking !!!!!!

  5. Great story Julia. Shame the report is a little short on detail. :-)

  6. I thought the comments made on the original article were hilarious .. they said all that needs to be said ..

  7. It's a dreadful thought but if she turned out to a stubby, undercover policewomen, I might be nuts over her.

  8. Perish the thought, anon.

    Nothing moves me more than the sight of a height challenged plodess, on the prowl for intimate particulars and armed only with a pair of folding stepladders, swab and surgical forceps.

  9. Just wondering....


  10. "Sadly, the above is what probably at least 10% of the population will be thinking !!!!!!"

    In some areas, that could go up to 90%!

    "Cheri Littlebottom is real...?"

    Heh! Well, we have more than a few ogres and trolls already...

    "Just wondering...."

    And another recent case!
