Sunday 27 November 2011

Well, There's One Obvious Explanation...

And that's that, 2 million years ago, it wasn't a bloody desert!


  1. Do leave off, you'll get the warmists going again!

  2. Yeah, but look, they are all in the same place, innit?. What are the chances of that, or are you going to tell me they have whaley funerals where they carry the bodies of the dead to a burial ground.

    Looks suspicious to me. Looks like mmm....

  3. You know like how we bury people at sea? The whales obviously had the opposite idea!

  4. "How did 75 Whales end up in the desert" ?

    The Whales saw the sand & donkeys and mistook it for Blackpool, perhaps ? .. ;)

  5. Whales retain a vestigal pelvis and limbs. During the oligocene epoch, (back to the earliest episodes of Baywatch) ancient beachcombers would strut and kick sand in a rival's eye.

    Definitely sophisticated and well travelled.

  6. We see the reason played out every year in Africa, as the dry season approaches, the water dries out leaving isolated water holes full of dying fish in what were once raging rivers.

    No doubt this change from ocean to desert was on a much larger scale, so rather than just fish, it was the whales that found themselves first in an isolated sea, which over a period diminished in size until eventually vanishing completely.

    Not exactly rocket science... but then for a nation so dumbed down it believes in AGW...

  7. XX How did 75 whales end up in the desert?XX

    Those bastards at "Google earth". Last time I will bloody trust THEM with my satnav.

  8. Back then whales used to ride on ice flows which melted from early AGW to their surprise. The blokes who discovered fire are to blame.

  9. "Looks suspicious to me. Looks like mmm...."


    "You know like how we bury people at sea? The whales obviously had the opposite idea!"

    Oooh, good theory!

    "Not exactly rocket science... "

    You'd think not, no...

    "Back then whales used to ride on ice flows which melted from early AGW to their surprise. The blokes who discovered fire are to blame."

    Thread winner!
