Thursday, 1 December 2011

I Think Susanne Ruddy Speaks For Us All…

'Sometimes I wonder just how bad this country gets when even a Father Christmas is left terrified and abused.'
Well, it is Stoke…
The man did not make a complaint, but Staffordshire Police will ask him if he wants to take the matter further.
What for? What’s the point? What'll they get?


  1. "What'll they get?"

    Naughty boys and girls get a lump of coal in their stockings !!!

  2. General Pyston Broak1 December 2011 at 16:46

    "What'll they get?"

    A piece of Susan Ruddy's mind, according to the article.

    Whoop de do.

  3. I read about this in the Telegraph (front page, Monday), sadly it made oi larf.

  4. Second 'Best rated comment'
    "It is down to poor education from there parents"

    Yes, I know it is not a spelling test.

  5. "Naughty boys and girls get a lump of coal in their stockings !!!"

    And they should be walloped over the head with it!

    "Second 'Best rated comment'"

