Friday 6 January 2012

Am I Being Churlish Again?

Because I can't help feeling all schools should aspire to this:
"This is a very nurturing environment where pupils are taught in very small groups ...."

As well as running traditional academic courses, the centre also sets up work-experience placements and college taster courses for students, initiatives which have been highly praised by Ofsted.
And not just those that cater for the ones who've already proved they don't deserve it?


  1. After explaining how he got his hands on the cannabis resin from a friend of a friend and brought the drugs into school to give to another student, the 15-year-old was asked to leave the room.

    That afternoon he was handed a letter to say he had been expelled...

    "I felt distraught. I just did not know what to do, I really did not."

    Yeah right, its a bugger when your market dries up like that. You're going to have to build a whole new customer database now kid!
