Friday 6 January 2012

I Think The Description's Warning Enough...

Officers describe him as black, 6ft 1in and of medium build. He has a gold tooth, scarring on his face and left hand, along with a disfigured left ear.
Police say the man, also known as Leroy or Miller Lewis, is violent and should not be approached.
Yeah, OK, don't worry too much about that...


  1. Yes, he is a particularly horrible specimen isn't he?

  2. Heavens he must really be a 'wrong-un' for the Police not only to use the 'B' word in a description, but also to release a photo

  3. So much for Mr January from the Police Mugshot Calendar 2012.

  4. Skilled camera work to capture it in mid shrug like that - suppose its to much to hope the rope was photoshopped out ?
    Off to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes on DVD now.

  5. Arhhhh he's cuddly... I'd date him

  6. "Heavens he must really be a 'wrong-un' for the Police not only to use the 'B' word in a description, but also to release a photo"

    A rather curiously-posed photo, as anon points out!

    "So much for Mr January from the Police Mugshot Calendar 2012."


  7. I now have an idea for a fright mask for Halloween this year.

  8. How judgmental you all are!

    When (more like IF he's caught) he will be shown (by the amoral mercenary defence barrister/press/race industry) to be a sweet innocent, intellectual angel who will have gone on to make Albert Schweitzer and Mother Theresa look like pikers - just you watch.

    He's just 'misunderstood', 'being targeted by those racist police' and 'it's all societies fault for failing him' anyway. (Pistol-whipping women is 'cultural expression' - don't you know).

    Oh, and if you saw what I saw every morning in the mirror, you'd be less likely to make the horrible comments. It's so unmanly yelping when you accidentally catch a glimpse of yourself whilst brushing your teeth :-(

  9. "Arhhhh he's cuddly... I'd date him" ..

    Yes, so would I ..

    My guesstimate would be Cro-Magnon ..

  10. Beaten up veteran soldier in bar trying to pick up Halo Jones: "Huh, see dis face? All dese scars? Musta been two-hunnered fifty fights, easy."

    Halo: "Yeah, well, don't get discouraged. Nobody loses all the time".

    (If you have not read 'The Ballad of Halo Jones, check it out. One of the finest 2000AD offerings ever)

  11. My guesstimate would be Cro-Magnon ..


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