Friday, 6 January 2012

False Perspective..?

It's an old hunter's trick - place yourself some way behind the buffalo/lion/boar you've just shot, crouch down, and it looks a lot bigger in the resulting photo.

But actually, I think this one really IS that size:

It's a monster! And the woman's not much better...
The single mother of Logan, two, and Brandon, one, said she was told by the bus driver to get off the bus twice on Wednesday, December 7, and once on Saturday, December 10, after someone in a wheelchair needed to get on the bus and Chloe’s double buggy was in the only space.

Miss Chesterton said: “I had paid my fare, but I was forced to get off the bus. There should be a first come-first serve policy on the buses.

“The same thing happened to me when I used to live up north and it is terrible.”
You have a choice in having kids and a monster vehicle to transport them in. The people who have to use wheelchairs don't.

This calls for something more than the World's Tiniest Violin...

Yeah. That'll do.

Update: APILN has more of this from across the border.


  1. I thought your World's Tiniest Violin was great, but this beats it. Bravo.

  2. I recall getting on the bus with my baby bro with the first McClaren fold ups , you could put it under your arm if there was no room.

    I swear only the other day some woman tried to get on the bus with what appeared to be the cockpit section of an Apache helicopter that someone had attached off road tyres to.

  3. I am not usually a big fan of crude but you are certainly on form today.

  4. Good God .. they sent something smaller than that to the Moon ..

    No doubt she also insisted that the driver help her on & off the bus with the contraption too ..

  5. "Is it buffalo or bison though" ?

    It must be a buffalo .. if it was a bison it would be fitted with taps to facilitate hand washing .. ;)

  6. No doubt she also insisted that the driver help her on & off the bus with the contraption too

    Pity that nobody helped the dozy leech with contraception in the first place so she couldn't preserve the chavosystem.

    She's one of these useless people on benefits who go shopping on Saturdays. I propose that we enforce a curfew.

  7. Captain Haddock

    "Is it buffalo or bison though" ?

    It must be a buffalo .. if it was a bison it would be fitted with taps to facilitate hand washing .. ;)"

    Oh, Thanks Very Much! I now know how uncomfortable snorting very hot coffee through my nose is!

    and my screen and keyboard thank you as well :-)

  8. But, she has kids...

    And as those jolly nice Messrs Blair & Brown pointed out; the rest of us are here merely to facilitate every comfort of these women their odd-spring.

  9. I don't understand why they are engineered that way round. Surely it would be more stable if they had the two wheels at the front and the third wheel tucked under the handle?

    This way they have the stability problems of a Reliant Robin.

  10. A Morgan, as opposed to to Reliant Robin? Works for me.

    I can't understand the 3-wheel approach. The 'vehicle' has three tracks instead of two, meaning that on rough ground it is even harder to find a smooth path. Even 'off-road' tyres and being marketed by Land Rover (yes, really) don't make baby buggies into all-terrain vehicles. They are for carrying babies around, for God's sake. If you want to get into the rough stuff, get a backpack.

  11. XX Woman on a Raft said...

    I don't understand why they are engineered that way round. Surely it would be more stable if they had the two wheels at the front and the third wheel tucked under the handle? XX

    Ice breaker principal, only on land.

    In this format, the victims merely slip past the sides. If it was wide at the front, you would have to stop every few feet to clear the dead and dying from under the axle.

  12. Come on people, think of the cheeeeldren, we can solve this, some BS (Big Society) thinking is required.

    These single mums should be provided with BMW suv's and child seats by the DWP-problem solved.

  13. "I thought your World's Tiniest Violin was great, but this beats it."

    This one really deserved that 'something extra'...

    "I swear only the other day some woman tried to get on the bus with what appeared to be the cockpit section of an Apache helicopter that someone had attached off road tyres to."

    I've seen a few like that. Utterly monstrous vehicles. How the hell do women manage to push them?

    Mind you, it can't be long until they are motorised...

    "And as those jolly nice Messrs Blair & Brown pointed out; the rest of us are here merely to facilitate every comfort of these women their odd-spring."


  14. "I don't understand why they are engineered that way round."

    Given how they use them, I think FT has hit on the reason.. ;)
