Sunday 8 January 2012

And It Certainly Won’t Go South Of The River At That Time Of Night!

Accidentally straying into scary areas of town could become a thing of the past, because Microsoft has been awarded a patent for direction-finding technology that finds the safest route to your destination.
And by ‘safest’ they mean ‘not via that hellhole cesspit of deviance and crime downtown where all the underclass live’:
According to the patent, the system will mine crime statistics and only suggest routes where they fall below a certain threshold.
Expecting screams of ‘racist software’ from the ACLU in 5….4….3….


  1. I wonder if they'll have the balls to include an explicit filter for the ethnicity of the intending pedestrian.

  2. No wonder Diane Fattbott can't get a taxi to Hackney..

  3. A map without Croydon, then....

  4. Wellll...If you honestly put any faith in crime statistics you totally deserve to be ripped of your cash by microsoft.

  5. What if your destination is in a crime ridden area? Will you just be walking round in circles until the battery runs out?

  6. I wonder how long it will be before this system is fitted to all police cars?

    Although, come to think of it... the clever criminal is going to use it find out the supposed 'safe routes' to mug those stupid enough to think they're safe.

  7. ACLU ... is that short for "Abbott Causes Labour Upset" by talking out of her not inconsiderably sized arse (yet again) ? .. ;)

  8. an updated knowhere guide if you will....

  9. "A map without Croydon, then...."


    "What if your destination is in a crime ridden area?"

    Well, the satnav will probably call the police and report you as someone obviously up to no good!
