Monday 30 January 2012


A former California psychologist who faked a rape attack in an effort to convince her husband to move to a new neighbourhood today pleaded no contest to a felony conspiracy charge.

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Kevin J. McCormick sentenced Laurie Ann Martinez to five years probation, six months of electronic monitoring and ordered her to pay $4,463.32 in restitution for the police investigation.
Yup, that'll be this case.

And I was right about her chances of hanging on to her job:
On top of that comes the personal cost - her husband has divorced her, and she was fired from her job as a psychologist at California State Prison, Sacramento.
H/T: Mark Wadsworth via email


  1. A salt and battered30 January 2012 at 13:41

    The Annie Wilkes doppelgänger, to boot. Just the Samaritan needed when the car goes off the road in a blizzard.

  2. She does bear a spooky resemblance!
