Sunday 1 January 2012

Errr, Hold On....

Someone slipped up there!


  1. Well they couldn't call it black coz that is racist.

  2. In that case, one of our cats is Afro Caribbean.

  3. So .. the insidious & pernicious creed of multi-culti has spread to the animal world now too, eh ?

    Be interesting to see how the frozen water droplets which will inevitably blanket the country will be described .. ;)

  4. A salt and battered1 January 2012 at 10:58

    My usual slice of toast seems excessive but nevertheless let me wish you a good morning and Happy New Year, Julia.

    That is so cruel. How could anyone allow the white dog to roam about town with a broken jaw and hair like that?

  5. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Black is white. Reading newspapers is proof of all of the above.

  6. "In that case, one of our cats is Afro Caribbean."


    "Be interesting to see how the frozen water droplets which will inevitably blanket the country..."

    Oh, I wish it'd hurry up! It's unseasonably warm :(

    "... let me wish you a good morning and Happy New Year, Julia."

    And to you :)

    "Reading newspapers is proof of all of the above."

