Monday 9 January 2012

How Do You Get Bail For This..?

A 10-year-old boy has been arrested over an alleged attack on two teachers at a school in south-east London.

One of the female victims suffered a broken leg and the other had a facial injury, Scotland Yard said.
That must have been quite a ferocious attack, unlerss the victim suffered from brittle bone sysndrome!

Which is all the more surprising that:
Police were called to Burwood School, in Avalon Road, Orpington, which caters for children with special educational needs, at 13:00 GMT on Thursday.

The boy, who was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm, was bailed to return on a date in February.

H/T: Parkylondon via email


  1. Orpington plays catch-up with Hackney? Catering for the needs of 10yr olds of no particular appearance other than a 6ft frame and jungle conduct, cannot be easy.

  2. Seems the 'suspect' may have a couple of 'Get Out Of Jail Free' cards to play.

  3. Autonomous Mind has more about it

  4. It seems as if the term 'special needs' is being used in place of the more correct term of junior thug. I'm surprised that this case did not at least warrant removal of the child to a local authority secure home.

    Maybe the special needs places in schools should be reserved for those who need and deserve it rather than those who are unteachable thugs.

  5. Don't THEY want to increase the age of criminal responsibility to 14?

  6. Can't keep a 10 year old in custody unless it's something like murder.
    Also he hasn't been charged yet either.
    Watch this story,there is a big gypsy site not a million miles away from this school.

  7. Whilst I don't agree with it, the presumption in all criminal proceedings is bail unless there's a reasonable likelihood of absconding or danger to the public or the alleged offender.

  8. Jaded, whilst I concur with your comment about no charges yet this wasn't just a bit of childish thievery (where a presumption of bail may be justified), it is GBH, or do we not treat GBH as serious anymore? Logic would say that someone who is charged with GBH the presumption should be custody with bail as the exception.

  9. Trundle old chap i'm not defending the justice system per se,just explaining that even murderers get bail until charged.
    Kevin above is correct.

  10. "Catering for the needs of 10yr olds of no particular appearance..."

    At 10, we're unlikely to ever know his name.

    "Autonomous Mind has more about it"

    Cheers! Have commented.

    "I'm surprised that this case did not at least warrant removal of the child to a local authority secure home. "

    There's probably no room... :/

    "... or do we not treat GBH as serious anymore?"

    I've seen a lot of cases that you'd think get GBH charges go down as 'wounding with intent'. I will be keeping an eye of this to see what it is eventually charged as. If it ever is.

  11. Hi Jaded, point taken with the bail until charge.
