Monday 9 January 2012

Scraping The Bottom Of The Mitigation Barrel...

Simon Hirst, mitigating after the verdict, said Khrbish had no previous convictions and had denied the matter throughout.

He said a prison sentence would be more difficult for him because he was foreign.
No, a prison sentence will be 'more difficult' for him because ordinary criminals don't take kindly to grown men who attempt to strangle infants in front of their mothers...


  1. "He said a prison sentence would be more difficult for him because he was foreign."

    Alright, let's deport him back to the third world shithole from whence he came and he can serve his prison sentence there.

  2. You really haven't got to grips with this "Victimhood poker" thing yet have you Joolz?

    A darkie in the land of the institutionally racist, come on?
    The only surprising thing about the whole affair is that the neighbours who restrained him aren't looking at being dragged through the courts.

  3. Fair point HC, if it was good enough for Al Megrahi......

  4. Had I been the defence brief, I would have sought mitigation on the grounds of vowel deficiency. A rather more plausible argument, I'd have thought.

  5. Why don't we solve the Somali pirate problem by building the prisons there and paying them to run them?

    That would be trade not aid, and it is cheaper to build a prison there.

    I'm sure they would take good care of the inmates.

  6. He hasn't got any previous convictions in this country,who knows before he got here.Big difference.

  7. Sorry, denying something is supposed to count as mitigation now? Shit...

  8. Clink Clink every offence9 January 2012 at 18:47

    Prison would be hard for him.

    Yep, it's a feature, not a bug.

  9. Note: the CPS charged this as attempted murder, no messing about. Good.

  10. "Khrbish, originally from Egypt but in custody for 184 days, would be likely to face automatic deportation on his release, said Judge Mettyear."

    Likely? How is that 'automatic' deportation for crying out loud?!

  11. "Fair point HC, if it was good enough for Al Megrahi......"

    Who still isn't dead yet! We did him a favour, it seems, removing him from the tender mercies of the NHS... :/

    "I'm sure they would take good care of the inmates."


    "He hasn't got any previous convictions in this country,who knows before he got here.Big difference."

    Good point!

    "...denying something is supposed to count as mitigation now?"

    Yes, like the 'possible maybe automatic detention' as John Pickworth noted, someone's playing fast & loose with the definition of fairly easy to understand English words again..
