Monday 20 February 2012

By The Time This Post Goes Up...

...I expect he'll have already breached it:
A teenage yob whose hate campaign forced a police officer and his family to flee their home has been handed an Asbo.

Charlie Marney, 17, was hit with the order on Tuesday after bringing months of terror to New Addington.
And if his name seems a little familiar to regular readers, well, that's because his sister has also graced these pages with her charm and fragrant femininity...

Of course, if the magistrates are anything like as lenient as they are in Plymouth, he'll have to breach it quite a few times before anything happens to him:
Probation officer Bernie Ross said he was due to start a plastering course...
He seems pretty good at getting plastered already!


  1. And lefty luvvies and commooonitee leaders want more Old Bill to live in such places. That's why officers tend to live on the outskirts - often not very 'vibrant' areas. In my day (lamp swinging) a police officer would not have been given permission to reside in New Addington, whether buying or renting. How things change........for the worse.

  2. An ASBO? What a sick joke. Bring back approved schools and borstals. Lock the little bastards up.

    Or birch them.

  3. Addington again? Only two roads in/out on that estate.Easy to block with snipers.

  4. Methinks that a dose of that very contagious virus, the broken knee and elbow virus, ought to infect this sparkling specimen of English youth.
    Just commenting.

  5. "That's why officers tend to live on the outskirts - often not very 'vibrant' areas."

    Maybe if the cuts to benefits really start to bite, we can all just avoid Hull in future (something I'll admit I plan to do anyway)..?

    "Bring back approved schools and borstals. Lock the little bastards up."

    If only!

    "Only two roads in/out on that estate.Easy to block with snipers."

    Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition...

    "... a dose of that very contagious virus, the broken knee and elbow virus..."

    I expect for a thug like this, it's an occupational hazard.
