Tuesday 14 February 2012

"Call me (call me) on the line, call me, call me any, anytime..."

Or rather, please don't, unless it's a genuine emergency!
Kerry Ann Moate, 18, of Samuel Jones Crescent, Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire, made 756 nuisance calls to emergency services in two days.

Magistrates at Huntingdon Law Courts heard she was arrested after police traced her phone.
Moate was given a four-month sentence suspended for two years.

The teenager, who will be subject to supervision and mental health orders, was ordered to pay £85 in legal costs.
Her defence tried gamely to introduce a note of sympathy:
Kevin Warboys, for the defence, said: "She was in a very low mood and Christmas is always a difficult time for her for historical reasons.

"She also had long-term frustrations with the police."

He described her as an "isolated individual" who only had "one friend in the world".
I've got to wonder just who that might be...

H/T: CJ Nerd via email


  1. Historical reasons? What, Christ was born at Christmas?

  2. What is it about people named after water-filled ditches, who just can't seem to keep out of trouble ? .. ;)

  3. Low self esteem, on benefits, mental health problems, how about no benefits until you contribute. (With the exception of the disabled who cannot work). The change in attitude would be instant, suddenly she would have to be outgoing, work or starve, great choice.


  4. "The sentence of this Court is that you shall be fined the sum of £2. That is £2 for each false emergency telephone call you have been shown to have made.
    In lieu of immediate payment of the sum of the sum of £1512 you shall serve one day of imprisonment for each £1 owed to the Court.
    Take her down.
    Next case."
    *If I was the Judge*

  5. Buggeration!
    Read and re-read it but didn't notice the error until "Publish" had been pressed!

  6. "Historical reasons? What, Christ was born at Christmas?"

    I'm assuminga history of family rows, that OTHER great tradition.. ;)

    "What is it about people named after water-filled ditches, who just can't seem to keep out of trouble ? .. ;)"


    "The change in attitude would be instant, suddenly she would have to be outgoing, work or starve, great choice."

    If only! Truth is, people like her provide a nice living for the people employed to look after her...

    "Read and re-read it but didn't notice the error until "Publish" had been pressed!"

    I do that a lot! :)

    Of course, any fine would only be paid by us. And it'd be an automatic halving of the sentence, then early release for 'good behaviour'...

  7. 756 calls in 2 days? That's almost 16 every hour )assuming she did not sleep, yes I know...) "Long term frustrations with Police?" well I've got that but I don't spend two days on the 'phone to them (well, yes trying to report a crime took about that long. Isolated individual? Well I remember that BT advert "Make someone happy" but this is in the realm of needing professional help!
    TTFN :)
