Tuesday 14 February 2012

It’s Not Just The Police You Need To Fear…

…if you are falsely accused of rape by a woman:
A warehouse worker who helped kick and punch unconscious a fellow resident of a hostel for the homeless, was jailed for two years.

Michael Boeg’s victim, Mark Diaper, had been having consensual sex with a woman who also lived at the hostel – but Southampton Crown Court heard she later told others she had been raped.

Mr Diaper was then lured to Boeg’s room, where he was held down and attacked by Boeg and two others.
And her? Well, unless she was one of these:
Three other people were earlier jailed for their role in the violence.
…then she almost certainly got away scot free.


  1. Well,that's what happens when you go with ,"slags".

  2. "Mr Diaper was then lured to Boeg’s room, where he was held down ... "

    So, you could say he was "kidnappied" .. ;)

  3. Sounds like the Anne-Marie Hackett case in Hertfordshire, 2004.

  4. Chris Ferguson is an expert on attempting to feel up drunken and unconscious vulnerable women!!!!!!
