Tuesday, 7 February 2012

I Thought The Tabloids Loved A Salacious Trial..?

If so, why are these minor groups and blogs the only ones to be highlighting this one?
This morning, Nazi’s (sic) from all over the UK descended on Liverpool Crown Court. They had come to protest about a trial that started today relating to a suspected paedophile ring that allegedly involved many Muslim men.
Ah. Maybe that's why?
They gave an example that supports the unusual media blackout of such a significant court case.
Yeah. If you say so.

Remember, folks, Paul Dacre wants the MSM kitemarked because they are so vital. And so trustworthy...


  1. A salt and battered7 February 2012 at 09:29

    I wish you would look on the bright side, Julia. The team of premium lawyers assigned to the defence, are obliged to point out the great redeeming feature of their clients.

    Each defendant has a deeply religious commitment to ensuring no Muslim children are ever subject to defilement.

  2. "Each defendant has a deeply religious commitment to ensuring no Muslim children are ever subject to defilement" ...

    For once Melvin, you & I are in agreement ..

    I believe the practice of defiling underage Mooselimb girls is known as "Prophet's Perks" .. ;)

  3. Not racially motivated of course.....

  4. From one of the blogs highlighted: "The English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street organisation which purports to oppose “extremist” Islam"

    Well, you can be assured that the left with its assorted commie-dictator-lovers, arrogant loons and woolly thinkers won't be opposing such extremism any time soon.

  5. "I believe the practice of defiling underage Mooselimb girls is known as "Prophet's Perks" .. ;)"

    Or perhaps it's an advance payment on the seventy-one virgins they've been promised after they've made a mixed grill of themselves and as many others as possible.

  6. And not forgetting, amongst the jocularity here, that the EDL seem to have a bloody good point.

  7. Even BT yahoo! answers are at it.

    "Why was there no media coverage of the trial of 47 alleged Muslim Paedophiles in Liverpool Crown Court?"

    This question has been deleted.
    Questions on Yahoo! Answers are sometimes deleted according to our Community Guidelines.

    They can't hush this up forever and if they try, the rumours and conspiracy theories that will fill the gaps will make things even worse.

  8. "Not racially motivated of course..."

    Perish the thought!

    "And not forgetting, amongst the jocularity here, that the EDL seem to have a bloody good point."

    Each day that this continues (and see today's update) will increase that too.

    "They can't hush this up forever and if they try, the rumours and conspiracy theories that will fill the gaps will make things even worse."

    It just makes the MSM look increasingly out of touch. Massive own goal.

  9. Just been looking at the Weimar again and Hitler's rise, the role of the Muslims [useful] the left having a huge following because of welfare benefits and so on.

    Parallels are interesting.
