Wednesday 8 February 2012

It’s The New ‘Mixed Race’!

A man was badly hurt in a racist assault in Leicester.

The 27-year-old was in Beaumont Walk when he was approached by two men who made racist comments towards him and then assaulted him.
The suspects were 20 to 25 years-old and about 5ft 9in tall. One of them is of black or dual heritage appearance


  1. Do you mean a half-chop?

  2. Or possibly mulatto ?

  3. That is the new orthography or do you still shout N***er Julia?

  4. So, I assume that someone who has an English father and a German mother will also described as dual heritage (because that is true). How can this be visually obvious? Ah... but that is why the persons who make this crap up will not use it thus; the only thing that they can mean is "of mixed race".

    They say that language has to evolve; odd it is that most evolutions in the natural world are for the worse.

    Jonathon Swift took Gulliver to a world like that - going even further back, there is the story of the Tower of Babel. Will we never learn?

    (Answer: No.)


  5. "New orthography"??? The latest definition for the phrase "Pretentious Twattery"?

    I just had a flick through the old thesaurus under "Pretentious twat" and it said anyone who writes the word "N***er" instead of the word "Nigger"!!

    The same people who believe the word "Nigger" has connotations of slavery, but is in point of fact just a derivation of the Latin word for black, would have no problem with calling people of east European decent "Slavic" which is in fact derived from the Latin word for slave.

    I take it the PHD you're working towards is not one in linguistics?

  6. Must get a blogger name8 February 2012 at 18:14


    Skipping over the first two mildly humourous digs at the prevailing Newspeak, I'm not entirely sure someone who wrote

    The way that we will successfully prosecute this war is by killing more of the enemy (the police) than they kill of us. New Scotland Yard delenda est

    is a fit and proper person to commence a morality lecture tour ?

    I rather suspect you wrote that in earnest.

    Perhaps language crime is worse than killing public servants on your planet ?

  7. "Dual Heritage" .. does that mean that we might possibly have grounds for negotiating just who might be financially responsible for his upkeep ?

  8. Dual heritage people are never happy, its a shame for them really.

  9. So let me try and get my head round this. The ethnicity of the victim is unspecified, but the assailants are a White and A.N. Other who is described as either a Black or a Demicoon. So by a process of elimination, as they say, the victim is presumably a Wog or a Chink.

    I think that's sorted it out. Society for Plain English, annat, innit?

    (I've just noticed something. The background spellchecker thingy on Seamonkey now recognizes "innit" as a dictionary word. Christ, that's depressing.)

  10. Must get a name...Not only do I stand by my writings but I am prepared to face court and jail if necessary. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. How is Norfolk BTW?

  11. @ Edwin Greenwood

    I blame the great Samuel Johnson for 'Iam moriturus, innit'

  12. Must get a blogger name8 February 2012 at 20:07

    "Not only do I stand by my writings but I am prepared to face court and jail if necessary. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. How is Norfolk BTW?"

    You're 50 man, grow up and stop being such a drama queen. This isn't the Guardian or the Twattersphere, no one's going call the Thoughtcrime unit. You're too unintentionally entertaining for that.

    I can't actually see from here - but I expect Norfolk would be quite flat and cold, gloriously un-vibrant and un-diverse, and despite the sneers of the left wing, nowhere near as in-bred as Slough.

  13. Half-caste? Quadroon? Chilli-cracker?

  14. According to DNA studies most or many 'Black' people from the Caribbean already have European heritage, so 'triple heritage'

  15. Aren't we all 'African' anyway? Labels eh? Oh heck, they can be quite useful though at times.

  16. There is a whole industry dreaming up this bollocks and usually at taxpayers expense.
    I guess in this case they are trying to take race out of the mix. (See what I did there?)

    Is there anyone who doesn't think Ciaran is a complete twat? Ciaran don't answer that.

  17. Anon at 23:32

    The mugs and t-shirts are a trifle overpriced, dear. Any surrendered Glocks in the bargain basement?

  18. Is there anyone who doesn't think Ciaran is a complete twat?

    His Mother?


  19. "That is the new orthography or do you still shout N***er Julia?"

    I don't. I'm not a rap artist, you see...

    "They say that language has to evolve..."

    Ours is de-evolving!

    "I've just noticed something. The background spellchecker thingy on Seamonkey now recognizes "innit" as a dictionary word."

    And it was suggested as an option in one of yesterday's early evening quiz shows as allowable in Scrabble!

    "Aren't we all 'African' anyway?"

    Go back far enough and yes!

  20. Are you "dual heritage" if your Mam was a woman, and your Dad was a man?


  21. I guess if you are brought up by a man and a woman you have bi sex parents. If you are brought up by two men or women you have mono sex parents.
    It may get confusing if you have mono sex parents with dual heritage.
    Having reflected on this bi sex parents may confuse and offend bisexual, transgender persons of any heritage. The new orthography (as the twat Ciaran would say) might have to be dual sex parents. Mono sex parents will undoudtedly upset someone so lets call them single. But that suggests they are not in a relationship so lets make it unique sex parents.
    We have been taught to scoff at people for using the outdated word coloured for mixed race people. Are we now going to be taught to roll our eyes and scoff at those outdated souls using the term mixed race. We are all dual heritage. The term means nothing in terms of race.
    You couldn't make this bollocks up. Dual Heritage, my arse!
