Monday, 6 February 2012

Justice…? What Justice?

An employee who stole nearly £900 from a charity shop has escaped jail despite breaching a suspended sentence for a similar offence.
Cremin was in charge of banking the shops takings
What? Despite having a previous conviction for theft from an employer?
Defence solicitor Alan Ambridge told the court Cremin had every intention of paying the money back to the charity soon after, but she had ran (sic) into financial difficulties and didn't want her children to find out.
Lovely specimen, using her children as her shield…
Mr Ambridge explained to magistrates Mary Marshall and Jim Elliot that the children's grandfather had recently died and Cremin believed news of her convictions would upset them more.
It’s amazing what magistrates will swallow, isn’t it?


  1. The photo of Cremin tells me all I need to know ...

  2. My career path was not limited to plod so I can rely upon information other than a 'photo.

    'Cremin was in charge of banking the shops takings...despite having a previous conviction for theft from an employer' seems pretty useful.

  3. I'm confused. I thought that the point of a suspended sentence was that if you behave yourself, you get to avoid jail, but if you go and do the same thing again, the initial sentence kicks in and you're off to jail, plus you get tried for the new offence.

    This seems to have changed ...

  4. @ Anon ..

    "My career path was not limited to plod so I can rely upon information other than a 'photo" ...

    Is the ability to recognise certain types of people limited purely to Plod then ?

    Were you ever to see a photograph of me, I'm sure your immediate impression would be .. "Bet he's ex Military" ...

  5. Women should not be sent to prison.... feminist doctrine.

    Therefore women are not responsible people and should not be employed in positions of responsibility.

    Oh, women do not lie and cheat, never make false allegations and if they ever do something wrong it is because men are still alive.

    Bail her to Ken Clarke's house please.

  6. @ haddock

    'Were you ever to see a photograph of me, I'm sure your immediate impression would be .. "Bet he's ex Military" ...'

    I never held your experience at the head of a Regiment in any doubt but I will forego the 'photo. Most goats look alike.

  7. "Most goats look alike" ...

    I say, steady on old chap ..

    You're not Welsh or an adherent of the RoP by any chance .. are you ? .. ;)

  8. "I'm confused. I thought that the point of a suspended sentence was that if you behave yourself, you get to avoid jail, but if you go and do the same thing again, the initial sentence kicks in and you're off to jail, plus you get tried for the new offence."

    That's what we all thought. Someone moved those goalposts.

    "Bail her to Ken Clarke's house please."

    If only...
