Sunday, 5 February 2012

You Know CiF Has Jumped The Shark...

..when you see this line in an article sympathising with a teenage rioter:
Ryan, significantly, was the only child who claimed to have looted for political reasons. "There is such a thing as committing a crime for the right reasons," said Ryan. He wants to riot again, "because nothing's changed." Ryan isn't stupid. He is at Salford University, doing a course in "Culture, Power and Identity".
Ahahahaha! This article's unfiskable! Who could top that?


  1. And Ryan/Mohammed stated he wanted to bomb passengers on the London Underground again because nothing has changed. This is still a christian country that will not submit to what i want.

    And Ryan/Adolf stated he would continue to persecute jews.....

    And me....nothing has changed, Ryan and his ilk are still with us, i want to riot until we are rid of them.

  2. I think they just made a typo, substituting "isn't" where it should clearly be "is".

  3. A salt and battered5 February 2012 at 14:53

    Provident material for Coronation Street writers to outfisk Eastenders, probably.

  4. You typed that single-handed didn't you, Melvin.

    wv: messest - Sooo close!

  5. "Ryan isn't stupid. He is at Salford University, doing a course in "Culture, Power and Identity"."

    Well, with a degree in "Culture, Power and Identity" (capitalised, I note) he'll have employers clawing each others' eyes out to secure his valuable services.

    Smart choice, Ryan. You don't want to end up like those poor saps who took degrees in engineering or physics or any other similarly useless crap.


  6. Right little hotbed of Left wing lunacy, Salford, isn't it?

    You Know Who will fit-in well!

  7. Not sure what is meant by the term "unfiskable"...

    The best I can get from the OED is: "Scottish archaic the public treasury to which estates lapse by escheat."

    Can't see how that would fit into this discussion.


  8. "Ryan isn't stupid. He is at Salford University, doing a course in "Culture, Power and Identity"."

    Dear God and now we have to fund this waster for the rest of his sad self righteous life, sorry Ryan you are not pretty so the Guardian and the Labour Party wont take you on. Get used to drinking your giro away at Wetherspoons with all the other opiniated wasters.

  9. Help! No can't be real, but it is. Irony is dead, it is a deceased parrot usw.

    Can I leave this universe now pls?

  10. "Ryan isn't stupid. He is at Salford University, doing a course in "Culture, Power and Identity""

    Stupid comes in many forms. Ryan is one of them.

    But he's a shoe-in for a job at the BBC, I'll wager.

  11. Anon at 15.50

    ...Not sure what is meant by the term "unfiskable"...

    "A point-by-point refutation of a blog entry or (especially) news story. A really stylish fisking is witty, logical, sarcastic and ruthlessly factual; flaming or handwaving is considered poor form."

    Named in (dis)honour of the Indie's doyenne of hysteria, one Robert Fisk.

  12. The way that we will successfully prosecute this war is by killing more of the enemy (the police) than they kill of us. New Scotland Yard delenda est.

  13. are an idiot. But god bless your troubled mind.

  14. " are an idiot. But god bless your troubled mind."


  15. May the Buddha of compassion cause His light to shine upon you. Now where is my Hollywood deal? I want Clooney to play me. Or Louis Walsh.

  16. Culture, Power and Identity is a module taught at the University of Salford. It is a component in several degrees including Criminology, Sociology, and English.

    The course appears to be delivered by Rhianne Jones

    Her cv

    Salford hopes to charge £8,500 for this next year. It was of questionable benefit at £3k last year, but this year is worse because the debt will be carried not - as you might have fondly imagined - by Ryan, but by the graduates who are unwise enough to take sensible degrees such as physics etc.

    Essentially, every noodle who can't take a proper degree is going to be encouraged to run up the thick end of a £50k bill and as they will never, ever have to pay it back unless by some miracle they earn more than £21k (secretarial or marketing assistant wages). As the likes of Ryan are unemployable, that is most unlikely.

    Nick Clegg's plan is that those who study degrees which pay off - those who will earn what he hopes will be in excess of £50k - will pay roughly a tithe of their next 30 years earnings.

    It is very important to understand that this is not even a mortgage-type debt; it is set so that you cannot easily pay it off and are tied in to 30 years of interest repayments which are scaled to discourage trying to end the debt. This is the only way the successful graduates can be bullied in to paying for the courses which should never have been offered. It is a tax on virtue and a subsidy to stupidity.

    So far the government has bottled the early-repayment penalty. It knows that families are working on the basis of taking out the loan and then seeing if they can pay it off quickly to stop the debt rolling up.

    In conclusion, I'd just like to say that if David Willetts, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, is supposed to have two brains, I know where both of them are.

  17. Thankyou for the very interesting information, Woar.

  18. Abmessen? Ich weiß nicht was soll es bedeuten.

  19. Ich weiß nicht was soll es bedeuten

    should read

    Ich weiß nicht, was es bedeuten soll.


  20. Merely old, chap testing.

  21. Most of the rioters were merely thieving scum who should have been given ten years' hard labour. For larding his wickedness with cod-political Leftist claptrap, Ryan should have been flayed.

  22. "I think they just made a typo, substituting "isn't" where it should clearly be "is"."

    It'd be nice to think so!

    "Right little hotbed of Left wing lunacy, Salford, isn't it?"

    Are there many places like this that aren't?

    "The way that we will successfully prosecute this war is by killing more of the enemy (the police) than they kill of us."

    Well, should your house be targeted by the rampaging mob, instead of '999', you could phone the local college for a sociologist?

    "Salford hopes to charge £8,500 for this next year. It was of questionable benefit at £3k last year..."

    Only 'questionable'? You're kinder than I am! ;)

  23. A small grammatical point (sorry Julia; pedant alert)


    Ich weiss nicht, was soll es bedueten,
    Dass ich so traurig bin;
    Ein marchen aus alten Zeiten
    Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.

    Heine: Die Lorelei

    Not quite up there with quoting the Bard's occasionally ungrammatical English but surely permissible....

  24. I toned it down - the finance is too important to be lost in my exasperation.

    a) This is a graduate tax.

    b) The ones with the good degrees are expected to pay many more times over to cover up for the Liberal Democrat's desire to bribe their voter-groups with sub-standard university courses.

    c) Even if they do pay, this won't help Ryan because his degree is not worth having. Employers would have more respect for an OU degree in Humanities and a couple of years at work.

    However, Nick Clegg does not care about this as his main problem is how to get round the fact that his party outright lied when they said they would never vote for tuition fee increases. This is so serious that Julian Huppert (LD), Cambridge, was given permission to abstain rather than face his constituents.

  25. @ Macheath

    'Not quite up there with quoting the Bard's occasionally ungrammatical English but surely permissible....'

    Well spotted. Mick Turdatian, the Phillistine to whom the reply was addressed, prefers alimentary verse.

  26. WOAR

    That's about the most sensible summing-up I've seen of the student debt situation.

    I find it highly suspect that there has been no suggestion that parents would or could amass a US-style 'college fund' to pay the fees; lacking faith in the UK system, we did just that - eighteen years of doing without unnecessary indulgence to ensure that our children did not start life with a huge debt around their necks.

    We can't be alone - and it's people like us whose plans to avoid endless interest payments and debt for our children have been wrecked by the trebling of tuition fees at a stroke.

    Stll, I suppose it's good practice for when they swipe our pension savings.

  27. Merely old, chap testing.

    Many of us think that you've been doing this to distruction, Melvin

  28. "In conclusion, I'd just like to say that if David Willetts, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, is supposed to have two brains, I know where both of them are."

    One in each cheek obviously!


  29. "Nothing has changed."

    Yep, Ryan is still stoopid.

  30. "However, Nick Clegg does not care about this as his main problem is how to get round the fact that his party outright lied when they said they would never vote for tuition fee increases."

    Who'll really remember that, though, come election time? And if so, who'll they vote for instead?

    "Stll, I suppose it's good practice for when they swipe our pension savings."

    Now there's a chilling thought!
