Friday 17 February 2012

Readin’, Writin’ & ‘rithmatic No Longer Key…

Students from Darwen Academy are set to make a difference to people in the local community.

Almost 500 students are set to help over the course of the two day ‘Stand Out in Darwen’ event.
The wha..?
The initiative is being led by Lauren Davies, co-ordinator and programme designer for students’ physical, social and emotional wellbeing, at the school.


Wait, that’s an actual role at this school? A full-time one?

Among the projects lined up so far are:

* Creating art works and cleaning up at Witton Park, Blackburn and Sunnyhurst Woods, Darwen.
* Cleaning up, making and filling planters in Redvers Road, Darwen.
* Helping out the elderly during an IT coffee morning at the Academy.
* Handing out flyers designed by students requesting items for Age UK shop.
Great. Lovely. Smashing. Super.

But can’t they do this sort of thing in their own time? As a special after-school project?
Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Coun Karimeh Foster, who is a Darwen councillor, said it was a good project.

She said: “It will teach the kids to communicate with other people and work with people of different ages.

“It will help them to listen to and learn from other people in the community.

“Children can learn a great deal by going out of the classroom.
On educational trips to museums, sure! But are you really suggesting Darwen children don't 'listen to and learn from' other people unless forced to for school? Do you think they live in a bubble?
Darwen Town Council deputy chairman Coun Steve Duncan said: “If it gets them out into the communities it is bound to help.

“But the great challenge is getting the kids to help outside of school hours.

“As long as the project doesn’t detract from their learning it is a good thing.”
It already is doing that. As long as it’s taking up school time, it’s doing that.


  1. Welcome to the Big Society. And also too getting environmental services on the cheap. I'll put money on there being no corresponding drop in the local Council Tax. Watch the loot disappear in councilors salary rise/expenses instead. No wonder the buggers are so enthusiastic...

  2. "listen to and learn from other people..."

    Why don't they start with their teachers?

    I suppose that would be to BORING and might damage their self-esteem.

  3. Shock news just in: Kids will agree to any farting about if it means they get out of the classroom in school time and all those 'boring' subjects.

    After all, while cleaning up the woodland you can bonk with your friends.

    But in their own time? Ah, that's when they go back to the woodland to bonk and smoke fags.

  4. "I'll put money on there being no corresponding drop in the local Council Tax."


    "Why don't they start with their teachers?"

    That would be, as you suggested, too uncool for school.

    "Shock news just in: Kids will agree to any farting about if it means they get out of the classroom in school time and all those 'boring' subjects."

    Spot on!
