Monday 26 March 2012

Have Elected Police Commissioners If You Want…

…but until you root out the likes of Chief Superintendent Rick Proctor, nothing’s going to change:
There have been 104 reported knife crimes in Hull in the past 12 months but just five were committed by offenders who were not British nationals.

The figures were released to the Mail by senior officers at Humberside Police after violence involving ethnic minorities.
Well, that’s really nice, I’m sure, but oh, if only that wasted effort had gone into catching some of the 104 and sending them for trial, rather than trying to ascertain where they fall on the Big Dulex Colour Wheel of Races, eh?
Chief Superintendent Rick Proctor, Hull's commanding officer, said: "I do not belive (sic) the migrant communities are any more or less violent. It is a myth that is simply not true.

"By my calculations, 4.8 per cent of the all the knife crimes are committed by non-British.

"And while we are still awaiting confirmation of last year's census data, which will not be available until 2013, current estimates indicate that black or minority ethnic groups now account for about 10.9 per cent of Hull's total population.

"This indicates, as I believed, that there is not a disproportionate amount of knife crime committed by our minority communities."
And you gathered this vital data how? By attending regular meetings, of course!
Chief Supt Proctor told the Mail how he had recently set up a newly invigorated set of quarterly meetings aimed at engaging more with the city's ethnic communities.
Why? If your own figures indicate there’s no problem, why the need for the meetings?
Chief Supt Proctor said: "They have been around since the Macpherson Report following the murder of Stephen Lawrence but had petered out somewhat of late.

"We get members of different communities together so we can have an open dialogue with them.

"It's about engagement and understanding. The last meeting was excellent and I really enjoyed it. You can really learn something. "
Ahhh, I see. The fact that they might have ‘petered out’ because no-one felt a need for them clearly didn’t occur to you…
"Most of our community are white heterosexuals
Oh, really? You must have to hold a lot of meetings for them, then?

What’s that..?

Oh. Right. Of course you don’t, do you?


  1. Chief Superintendent Proctologist said. .." of crime.......crime going down (straight face)....lies....more lies....statistics......blah...blah..."
    In effect like all the other SMT fuckwits he lies and adds nothing to the very important debate that isn't happening.

  2. Very misleading statistics!
    He says 4.8% of knife crime is down to "Non-British" nationals, while 10.4% of the population is of ethnic minorities. The fool seems to equate ethnic minorities with "Non British" nationalities, whereas most of the ethnic minorities are of course British nationality.

  3. "% of REPORTED knife crime."

    This is not...under any be confused with knife crime.

  4. This is what ordinary PC's like me are up against.We know he's lying,he knows he's lying but when is it ever challenged?

    Several points-he won't get the next rank by telling the truth.
    Secondly-at one stage he was a PC the same as me.Might have been a long time ago and for only a few years but he was.They do forget so quickly don't they?

    I expect the usual suspects to pitch up here later.

  5. He can quickly find out the truth by getting his officers to record the ethnic origin of the perpetrator in each case of knife crime. My guess is that he would refuse to do that.

  6. Jaded, he may have held the rank of PC but he knew it wouldn't be for long, he never cared enough about doing 'the job' as he had his sights set on the role he was recruited and developed for - that he was told was his right to hold. All he had to do was endure you distasteful drones for a while, maybe get his hands dirty then ASAP take the exam and go through 'the process' and away from all that nasty brutishness. He was never one of you!

  7. Hmmm,

    "And while we are still awaiting confirmation of last year's census data, which will not be available until 2013, current estimates indicate that black or minority ethnic groups now account for about 10.9 per cent of Hull's total population."

    Hmm, that would indicate that it's risen from 2.3% in ten years. Near fivefold.

    Depends how you define "minority ethnic" I suppose. I was in Hull last year and it was the whitest city I've been to in England in twenty years.

  8. "It's about engagement and understanding...."

    No it's not. It's about preventing crime and catching criminals.

  9. A salt and battered26 March 2012 at 17:18

    Applause from me.

    Not every Chief Superintendent will go to these lengths and take such pains to make a very easy day for reformists.

  10. "4.8 per cent of the all the knife crimes are committed by non-British"

    When Ahmed or Leroy or Somali-whoever waves a knife at you, I bet it's nearer 100 per cent for you.

  11. Dear God, if it's 11% in a hellhole like Hull, whatever are the numbers like for the nice bits of the country ?

  12. "The fool seems to equate ethnic minorities with "Non British" nationalities, whereas most of the ethnic minorities are of course British nationality."

    Not such a cunning plan, eh? If only the 'reporter' had done some actual reporting...

    "We know he's lying,he knows he's lying but when is it ever challenged?"

    Not by our compliant MSM, that's for sure.

    "Hmm, that would indicate that it's risen from 2.3% in ten years. Near fivefold."

    And I doubt it's unique. Far from it.

  13. ""It's about engagement and understanding...."

    No it's not. It's about preventing crime and catching criminals."

    Spot on!

    "Dear God, if it's 11% in a hellhole like Hull, whatever are the numbers like for the nice bits of the country ?"

    In big towns and cities, comparable. In the 'nice bits', probably much less.

    Rather explains the success of shows like 'Escape To The Country'!
