Tuesday 13 March 2012

I Thought We Were A Secular Society…

…and didn’t believe in ‘demons’ anymore?
A woman who drank six litres of wine before assaulting her boyfriend has been jailed for 20 weeks.
Six litres? If I drank a fraction of that, I’d lose my motor skills, and probably my balance. I doubt I’d be able to see, much less hit someone.

Of course, she’s had a lot of practice:
Claire Louise Brewitt, of Darcy Road, Selby, was already the subject of a community order when the incident took place on Monday, January 23. Brewitt had been released from prison in November for a similar offence.
Selby magistrates heard Brewitt, 29, usually drank about two litres of wine, but had consumed up to six litres when she got into an argument with Michael Gill in the kitchen of her mother’s home.

Kathryn Reeve, prosecuting, said Brewitt had been in a relationship with Mr Gill since last year, and the couple had argued over accusations of infidelity.
I’m guessing Mr Gill has a few ‘self-esteem’ issues in being involved with someone like this..?

Not that there were no comedic moments in the sordid saga:
Brewitt denied hitting Mr Gill when she was arrested, but said in interview: “I admit I slapped him, but he was right in my face”.

When asked what she could have done instead of slapping him, she said “headbutt him”.
Out of the mouths of babes (and drunks)…

The ‘mitigation’ was a bit alarming:
Keith Haggarty, for Brewitt, said she had a history of similar offences, and “clearly she has demons from her past which have led to her trying to hide it with alcohol”.
Hmmm. There must have been a memo going round Shysters For Scum Ltd, because that’s not the only time that phrase cropped up:
Mr Dyble said efforts had been made to help him, but they had not been successful.

He said: “Drink and drugs are demons he has been unable to conquer.”
Perhaps we need fewer lawyers, more exorcists?
A representative from the probation service said Brewitt had a history of missing appointments, and had been seen drinking during breaks in the hearing.

She said: “She knows she needs to address her alcohol abuse, but people can’t make her do that. She needs to be motivated.

“She has continued to drink during the period of time she has been in court today. That leads me to suspect that the motivation is minimal.”
No flies on you, eh, Sherlock?


  1. SAhme no pic. I'd like to see the type of 'woman' that could drink 6 litres of plonk and still move let alone have a row and assault another person. I can imagine what Gill looks like though - sad individual. Once again 'we' all have to pay to support these losers in every way.

    1. That 'woman' you're talking about is my birth mother so shut your fucking gob. evil son of a bitch.

  2. SIX litres? That's all her blood, surely? This modern wine is often of a higher proof than in the past; getting on for sherry, much of it.

    If she dropped down dead she wouldn't decay, she'd be preserved, like Nelson coming home in a cask of brandy.

  3. An alky like this usually only has to top up with a couple of glasses.

  4. "When asked what she could have done instead of slapping him, she said “headbutt him”."


    Love it!

    Lordy, I thought my bottle of red every evening was excessive - I obviously have to up my game...

  5. Six litres? If I drank a fraction of that, I’d lose my motor skills, and probably my balance.

    I'll make a mental note of that for when I meet you, Julia.

  6. It's virtually impossible to drink six litres of wine even during a really epic bender. Typical ABV is 12-14% which translates to 720-840 ml of ethanol. That's almost invariably lethal. We are not told the timespan over which she is supposed to have drunk this quantity and it could have been spread over more than 24 hours, but even so it stretches the bounds of credibility. 200 ml of ethanol is usually enough to get most people very drunk. If true then this lovely specimen was aiming for the ideal blood-alcohol content of 'half' so she should have suffered acute toxicity.

  7. "Once again 'we' all have to pay to support these losers in every way."

    The joke really IS on us all...

    "If she dropped down dead she wouldn't decay, she'd be preserved, like Nelson coming home in a cask of brandy."

    I hope she doesn't opt for cremation... ;)

    "I'll make a mental note of that for when I meet you, Julia."

    Note, I didn't say what the fraction was... :)

    "...it could have been spread over more than 24 hours, but even so it stretches the bounds of credibility."

    It's odd that no-one ever questions any of this, isn't it?

  8. I found out that this is about my birth mam and i would like it if rude unless comments were kept out of this...the first one really offended me and i am really annoyed and super angry. I would ask for an apology but I know i wont get one.

    1. If you get my message search my name via Facebook. I presume your kaitlynne so I'm chuffed I found you

  9. There is always more to a situation than meets the eye. It's easy for anyone to point a finger, but my guess is you have done things in life which leave you open to attack and ridicule too. Why not open up about that and give us some insight into your perfect life?

    As for Anonymous, if she wants more information about her past, she need only contact me. I know the entire situation and will be completely non-judgmental.

  10. You know my past?
