Tuesday 13 March 2012

There Are Dumb Crimes, And Then….

….well, then there’s this:
A woman who posted abusive messages to someone on Facebook while sitting in a police custody suite has appeared in court.
Katie Bedford threatened to “stab” and “kill” someone on the social networking site while she was visiting her brother at Fulford Road Police Station.

He had been arrested on suspicion of assaulting her Facebook friend Tom Cookson, the court heard.
Lovely! And he didn’t get charged for the actual assault, but she did for the virtual threat!
Her brother was released without charge, but Bedford, 20, of Byland Avenue, off Huntington Road, York, was charged and appeared before York magistrates where she pleaded guilty to sending a menacing message on February 4.

She was ordered to do 100 hours’ unpaid work and 12 months’ supervision.
Mitigation is, well, rather hopeless, as it usually is:
For Bedford, Sally Howard said: “Using a social network is instant. It was done in the heat of the moment.

“Unfortunately, you cannot withdraw it.
It’s not like writing a letter where you can think about it and end up not sending it.”
Does your client look like the sort of person who thinks about anything?
Bedford had intended to make Mr Cookson anxious and distressed but she was remorseful for her actions, the court heard.

At the time, she had been living in shared accommodation and wasn’t happy. As a result, she had been drinking too much. She had since moved back to live with her mother, had stopped drinking and was looking for a job.
I bet she doesn’t find one.


  1. "Unfortunately, you cannot withdraw it.

    Uh...yeah you can but they're just talking b*ll*x as usual.

    Facebook has a delete function applicable to comments, posts, friends etc. You can even "unlike".

    If only you could delete certain people off the face of the earth as easily.

  2. "Bedford had intended to make Mr Cookson anxious and distressed..."

    I would have thought it would have been more likely to make "Mr Cookson" (makes him sound quite normal, what?) feel like waiting for her in a dark alley with baseball bat in hand.

  3. "Uh...yeah you can but they're just talking b*ll*x as usual."

    Well, unless he has teenage children there's a good chance the judge will never cotton on!

    "...waiting for her in a dark alley with baseball bat in hand."

    Maybe she's a much bigger lady than the story might suggest? ;)

  4. "...waiting for her in a dark alley with baseball bat in hand."

    Maybe she's a much bigger lady than the story might suggest? ;)"

    OK, a pickaxe handle drilled out and lead weighted...not that I know about this stuff, of course.


  5. This Katie Bedford tried to cause me grief. See we-site, if interested. Her pictures there. I've got her employed as an Irrigation Consultant"!! Real nasty piece of work!.......Unfortunately I've turned the tables on "Katie Bedford.......
