Friday 23 March 2012

Spare Me The Sob Story

Ian James, defending, said the devastated family would pay a huge price, losing their business and home.

Mr James said: 'They are very unlikely candidates to be standing before a crown court judge. '
No, they aren’t – they are exactly the sort of people who should be standing before the court.
They are greedy thieves.
'Their customers are, in many cases, extremely happy with them.

'They have spent some years to build up their business.'

He added: 'The local community benefit from services they provide.'
Really? How can anyone ever trust them now?
Mr James described the fraud as a 'momentary succumbing to temptation'.
Retaining the winning ticket would have been that, yes. Ringing up Camelot attempting to claim it, no. That’s intention to defraud.
Judge Alasdair Darroch told the Jeevarajahs as he jailed them: 'It was a flagrant breach of trust.

'This is the sort of matter which the public expects to be dealt with very seriously.'
Indeed they do. They’ve got 14 months each. They won’t serve it all, but it’s better than nothing.


  1. 'Their customers are, in many cases, extremely happy with them.'

    Plenty of people walked out of Sweeney Todd's place with a nice shave or a short back and sides, but all the same...

  2. The people who should be complaining are Adcocks in Watton, whose picture is used to illustrate the story even though the correct shop is the completely different village of Hingham.

    The village of Watton in Norfolk, left, where the pensioner's ticket was stole

    Adcocks aren't even a newsagent - they sell electrical appliances.

    You can't normally sue for libel as a business, but this one is named after the owners who still work there.


  3. The village of Watton in Norfolk

    Further, Watton isn't a village it is a town. Good old msm.

  4. Yawwwn a few people who have no life, and sit in thete room makin weird coments, why not watch a film, read a book, watch tv, get a partner. Go out for meal or drink, instead you get excited over silly excerpts and say, oh yes yes yes whst shall i say, why dont you do something more productive with your life. Why not get off your backside play a sport or go on a holiday, do you get paid for ambush, what is the purpose of this.

  5. "Plenty of people walked out of Sweeney Todd's place with a nice shave or a short back and sides, but all the same..."


    "The people who should be complaining are Adcocks in Watton.."

    Ouch! I expect a hasty correction when the implications filter through...

    "Further, Watton isn't a village it is a town."



    Well, hello again. 'Emma1' (is there a 2 or a 3?).

    You do realise that the person who writes this blog, and the people who read it and comment here, already watch films, read books, watch tv, have partners and go out for meal or drinks, don't you?

    It's possible for us to multitask.

    I'm sorry to hear it takes all your brainpower to only concentrate on one thing.

  6. Norfolk N Chance24 March 2012 at 17:40

    "The local community benefit from services they provide.'"

    And, no doubt, they would benefit even more from a more honest business.
