Saturday 14 April 2012

How Many More Feral ‘Families’ Do We Have In The UK?

The teenage mother of a baby which died after being found face down on a sofa is facing life in prison after being convicted of murdering a father-of-two.

The Sentinel can today reveal Sheree Smith was mum to Alfie, the baby at the centre of a serious case review earlier this year.

Smith, aged 19, of no fixed address, was yesterday found guilty of murdering Andreas Fantousi at Stafford Crown Court following a three-and-a-half week trial.
No alone, oh no. These creatures hunt in packs:
Michael Gordon, aged 22, who lived opposite Mr Fantousi and was Smith's boyfriend at the time of the incident, was found guilty of manslaughter by the jury on its sixth day of deliberations.
It took them that long?
Sophie Manning, aged 19, also of no fixed address, was found not guilty of murder or manslaughter.

Ricky Gregory, who lived with Gordon in Bond Street, will face a retrial next year after the jury failed to reach a verdict on the 23-year-old.

All four defendants, who had denied murder, were also convicted of violent disorder.
What a charming bunch!
Mr Fantousi, right, and his partner Natasha Maclean became involved in a row with the four defendants shortly after 10pm on November 22.

The 30-year-old suffered more than 20 injuries, caused by punches, kicks and stamps from the defendants.
And clearly, the news that this time she wasn’t getting away with it came as a bit of a shock:
Yesterday, Smith had to be stopped by security after trying to escape when it was announced she had been found guilty of murder by a majority of 10 to two.
And to think all those weepy posts in support of Gary MacKinnon lament the fact that the US makes defendants wear ‘demeaning’ leg chains…
Speaking after the trial, senior investigating officer DI Guy Titchener said: "This has been a very difficult and complicated case to investigate.

"What started as a verbal disagreement quickly escalated out of control and ultimately a man lost his life. I hope today's guilty verdicts bring some comfort to the family and friends of Mr Fantousi."
I doubt it. The trials aren’t all over yet, are they? And she’s only ‘facing’ life after all. There’s still time for the pussy pass to kick in!

But what about the baby case mentioned?
Alfie was just three months old when he stopped breathing after he had been lying with his sleeping father early last year. He was re-homed with specialist foster carers, but died five months later.

Police were called to several incidents of domestic violence and other disturbances in the months before the incident, but the parents were allowed to keep their son.

On one winter's night, Smith and Alfie were found by ambulance staff in the street and Alfie was taken to hospital. Smith also had a previous conviction for being drunk in charge of a child.
Now, please, someone tell me why a ‘family’ like this one is allowed to keep their child (until its untimely death) yet other families are pursued to the ends of the earth (OK, France, but still…)..?
Smith, Gordon and Manning were remanded in custody and will be sentenced on September 5.
One to watch.


  1. utter human rubbish. Compulsory spaying and sterilisation needed urgently.

  2. You sometimes wonder if one day we will see a major engineering work where certain areas of inner cities are sealed off with high walls and gates, and after a few years a squad of armed people will be sent in to see if anyone has survived.

    Sure, it might deny us the 'entertainment' of such events as trials of the ferals but in the long run it will save a whole bunch of money.

  3. So many pussy pass stories, so little time.

    The second one (about a transsexual who made 19 rape claims, and is supported by the Rape Crisis Centre) is particularly notable: if the complainant were a "real" woman, her story would not even be news.
