Wednesday 20 June 2012

‘Not Condoning Drink Driving’ – Yr Doin’ It Wrong!

"I do not in any way condone drink-driving but I am not judging Michael and I do not want anyone else to or be angry at him."
Ummmm, what?
Mrs Brown, of Sapcote, told the Mercury after the hearing: "I do not blame Michael at all."
Well, who do you blame?
"What happened was that four friends went out together and had a good time. "Michael should not have driven and the other lads, including my son, should not have got into the car."
So you blame everyone, but you don’t?

*scratches head*

Well, maybe their drinks were spik…

The court heard that York, of Harris Place, Hinckley, had drunk about 26 units of alcohol before crashing on the B4114 Coventry Road, in Croft.
Another passenger, William Turner, Samuel's brother, survived the accident, which happened after the friends had been on a 12-hour drinking session.
Sentencing, Judge Simon Hammond, said: "This was an avoidable crash. These two young men need not have been killed. You should have never, ever have got behind the wheel of a car."
Pretty conclusive.
In mitigation, Kevin Lynch said York was genuinely remorseful.
Mr Lynch said: "He will punish himself for a great deal longer than any sentence given by this court. His actions, and the consequences of this action, will stay with my client for the rest of his life."
He said York, who had tried to kill himself since the accident, had a six-month-old daughter from a previous relationship, and his current girlfriend was four months pregnant.
What a man! He’s a keeper, love.


  1. Robert the Biker20 June 2012 at 12:08

    Yet again it's apparently everyone elses fault rather than that of the drunken tosser behind the wheel. I am beginning to think that (as per Saudi justice) the families of the victims should have a say in sentencing. One little mentioned advantage of bikes is that they are not generally tolerant of pissheads and tossers.

  2. Matthew, 23, and Samuel, 18, both from Stoney Stanton, who were in the rear seats, were killed,

    So probably they weren't wearing a seat belt, or, like the front seat passengers, they'd have survived. (The classic Diana accident)

    However, she's wrong to think that anyone else isn't entitled to have a view. It's only luck that the passengers who were stupid enough to get in the car were killed; it might easily have been a family driving along correctly instead of a tree which collected the piss-artists car.

    He's only going to be doing 2 1/2 years; that's barely long enough to do an OU degree.

  3. "piss-artist's" although you could argue about where the apostrophe goes in this instance.

  4. I find some of this rather refreshing. The mother seems to understand that all the lads, including her son, were jointly responsible for their own stupidity and behaviour.
    Makes a change from passing the blame.

  5. The sad part of it is that he has one child with an ex-girlfriend and another on the way. Not content with this litany of personal disaster, kills two people, admittedly due all those involveds own stupidity and cannot even manage to top himself. What an asset to society this man-child will be on release.


  6. Noggin the Nog20 June 2012 at 13:53




    The woman was mother to one of the 'victims', so probably best she didn't have a say in sentencing.

  7. And yet again the usual defence brief please of mitigation, 'he is genuinely remorseful' (only 'cos he got caught!), 'he will punish himself for this' (probably by drinking several bottles of booze and then going for a drive), 'he has tried to commit suicide' (not very successful in anything he does, is he?), 'he has a child from a previous relationship and his current girlfriend is 4 months pregnant' (so he's got 2 different girls pregnant in 19 months - either he's too proud to take precautions or he's hanging around with slags - either way he's contender for a Darwin Award). Why, oh why, do magistrates and Judges believe all this sh*te from defence briefs and why is he being allowed to breed?

  8. Some people get ever-so confused between "blame" and "responsibility".

  9. either way he's contender for a Darwin Award

    No. To bbe a candidate for a Dawin award, one has to remove oneself from the dna pool in a stupid manner before passing on one's dna.

  10. All members of this bunch were as bad as eachother. I agree with Woman on a Raft, any of us could have bee cleaned up by this out of control car.

  11. "I am beginning to think that (as per Saudi justice) the families of the victims should have a say in sentencing."

    Oooh, I don't think that'll improve matters! Noggin the Nog points out one reason why..

    "He's only going to be doing 2 1/2 years; that's barely long enough to do an OU degree."

    Indeed. *sigh*

    "I find some of this rather refreshing."

    We do indeed go from one extreme to another, don't we?

    "All members of this bunch were as bad as eachother."

    Yes, often a hallmark of the local news stories I seem to find...

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