Thursday 5 July 2012

Police Upset That Legal Thing Is Legal…

Police who patrol Oxford’s Blackbird Leys estate say they are frustrated they cannot stop youths buying toy pellet guns.

At a Blackbird Leys Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, councillors raised the issue of young people purchasing BB (ball bearing) or pellet guns, as they feared the low-powered toys could potentially hurt someone.
Well, maybe if they battered someone over the head with it?
But Sgt Rob Axe, of the Leys neighbourhood police team said there was nothing his officers could do.
Speaking at the meeting, he said: “ These guns are toys, they have orange ends on them, or red handles, and so they are not illegal.
We have identified who is selling them and we will keep an eye on this. But at the moment, what they’re doing isn’t illegal.”
Since you’ve apparently satisfied they aren’t doing anything illegal, why are you still watching them? Surely there are enough people in Blackbird Leys doing illegal things you can fill your time watching them?
Speaking after the meeting, Sgt Axe said: “This was brought to our attention when a young guy was shot with a pellet from BB gun a few months ago. These are not air rifles, they’re far less powerful and are technically toys, so it doesn’t appear there’s anything we can do about it.”
“It’s quite frustrating, I think some of these guns could take someone’s eye out.”
Next week in the Oxford Mail – ‘Police Frustrated Over Inability To Stop People Running With Scissors’…


  1. Captain Haddock5 July 2012 at 11:26

    God help the shop keeper whom the bold Sgt Axe finds selling one of these then ..

    Or, could it just be that with the axe (see what I did there ?) falling on so many police jobs, he feels the need to be seen to be "doing something" in order that he isn't posted elsewhere and being made to perform an infinitely more unpleasant task ?

  2. I have one of these BB guns. They fire plastic pellets and are totally harmless.
    Mine will not knock over an empty red bull can a metre away.
    If somebody was shot in the eye with one, I doubt it would do more than smart a bit.

    Bloody coppers are useless these days.

    (And - Running with scissors. LOL!!)

  3. “It’s quite frustrating, I think some of these guns could take someone’s eye out.”

    Quick, ban anything that could potentially hurt anyone! Right. that's every object in the world banned.

    I wonder which of these two objects have seriously injured the most people: police cars and toy guns ... hmmm.

  4. Nice of them to slip Ball Bearing in there to make them seem more dangerous.

    BB refers to the original size of birdshot used in the gun and has never meant ball bearing and as Bucko points out they are plastic now any way

    BB Guns

  5. When you think what Blackbirds Leys was famous for 20 years or so ago, this must seem like a policing utopia!

  6. What no-one has mentioned is that once the orange end of the barrel is removed, the gun looks quite genuine, especially in the hands of a masked, hooded, yob pointing it at you while scrteaming, "Open the f*cking till and gimme the cash!" I doubt if any of those who are mocking the Police would do so if Winston, Denzil or Mick the Nutter was pointing one at you. Also, my local A&E regularly deals with injuries to eyes caused by these pellets being shot at people at close quarters. Of course, it's never the fault of the shooter, but the firm that makes the guns or the man who sells 'em, innit!

  7. Police legal expertise?

    I was riding my motorcycle when I overtook a police car on continuous double white lines. The panda car, which was intentionally failing to make reasonable progress, then exceeded the speed limit to overtake and stop me.
    PC Merdebrain: Duh ya know wot double white lines mean, mate?
    MTG: Yes.
    PC Merdebrain: So what do they mean?
    MTG: Don't you know, officer?
    PC Merdebrain: Don't be clever wi me or you be in the nick quick, sunshine.
    MTG: Perish the thought. According to the Highway Code, which I presume you have read, continuous double white lines prohibit overtaking....
    PC Merdebrain: Exactly!!
    MTG: ...if overtaking involves crossing the lines. I did not need to cross the lines, rendering my manoeuvre safe and legal.

    (Dullard retreats to car and exchanges strained whispers with plod passenger.)

    PC Merdebrain: You can go, this time.
    MTG: Thank you, officer. I enjoy well informed discussion so I will not report your speeding offence and gratuitous threat, this time. Vrrrrrooom.

  8. Yes we all believe that MTG story don't we?
    Must inform Jackanory ,they might want to serialise it.

  9. Captain Haddock5 July 2012 at 20:55

    Sgt Axe said .. "It’s quite frustrating, I think some of these guns could take someone’s eye out” ..

    Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Hermione Eager-Felcher said .. "I quite agree, had we been responsible for policing the Battle of Hastings, things could have turned out very differently" .. ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I would like to add as the owner of an Airsoft BB Glock 17 and an HK MP5 , they are about as accurate as a striker called Ashley and can be blown of target by a weak fart.

    (sorry for spelling mistake)

  12. I am guessing that the good Sgt was attending a community meeting, when the question was asked, 'What are you doing about kids buying air guns?'
    If there had been no community meeting, the question would not have been asked.
    When the Police and Crime commissioners are elected it will get a lot worse.

  13. Captain Haddock5 July 2012 at 22:06

    "Must inform Jackanory, they might want to serialise it" ...

    Where d'you think he pinched it from ?

    Mind, he has been very quiet for the past few weeks .. do you suppose that could be because "in" patients might be denied access to the internet ?

  14. @ Haddock

    My compliments. Allowing your mind to wander freely is a brave and outgoing decision for any aged Alzheimer patient.

  15. "God help the shop keeper whom the bold Sgt Axe finds selling one of these then .."

    Crikey! ;)

    "Bloody coppers are useless these days."

    Oh, but if you smoke an e-cig on a bus...

    "I wonder which of these two objects have seriously injured the most people: police cars and toy guns ... hmmm."

    Good point!

    "Nice of them to slip Ball Bearing in there to make them seem more dangerous. "

    It's all about image now, isn't it? Not actual risk?

  16. "When you think what Blackbirds Leys was famous for 20 years or so ago, this must seem like a policing utopia!"

    Well, quite!

    "What no-one has mentioned is that once the orange end of the barrel is removed, the gun looks quite genuine.."

    So? You've removed replica guns, now you want to remove 'non-replica but could be made to look so' guns?

    What next? Ban sales of blocks of wood and penknives in case someone whittles a replica?

    "Yes we all believe that MTG story don't we?"


    Do I have to drag out that YouTube video of two ignorant-of-the-law cops getting sent scuttling away with a flea in their ear by a householder?

    The police aren't perfect.

    "If there had been no community meeting, the question would not have been asked."

    The question could have been answered 'Nothing. Next question.'
