Monday 3 September 2012

Families Of No Appearance!

Four people were taken to hospital after a mass street brawl broke out just yards away from a police station.
Sound frightening? It was:
Witnesses have described how three cars pulled up on the street at around 10.45pm on Thursday.
It is claimed up to 15 people got out of the vehicles – some armed with bats and bottles – and attacked two people in the street, before heading to a terraced property on the road.
Five men, aged between 16 and 57, suffered injuries during the incident, and four were taken to hospital with head and facial injuries.
No descriptions are forthcoming. We all have a good idea of what that could mean, don’t we? But don’t panic! It’s OK, really…
Chief Inspector Adrian Roberts, Stoke North Local Policing Team Commander, said: "Officers were called to reports of a public order incident which was quickly brought to an end on police arrival.
"An investigation is now underway to establish exactly what happened. "I would like to reassure residents that this was an incident involving people known to each other and concerns a family dispute."
Oh, whew! Well, if it was a family dispute, obviously there’s no need to worry.

‘Family’. It’s such a cozy, reassuring word, isn’t it? It conjures up images of the Von Traps, the Waltons, the Mansons, errr…wait…

In the comment thread (if it’s not been nuked by the mods by now) the arguments over who is behind it rage. But this comment gets to the heart of the matter:
by camband
“Aside from all the 'guesswork' re cultural/religious/racial background to this case, what I really find disturbing about this incidence of violence, is that a group of people, supposedly from one family, should take it upon themselves to attack members of a family (whether related or not) residing in a house a few doors away from a Police Station in the manner of a 'gang-land' attack' armed to the teeth -except no firearms or knives, without any undue concern -for the fact that a Police Station was so close by. It means they don't fear the consequences, don't fear the Police, or hold any respect for the law of the land. Anarchy is their politics, whatever there religion or race.... or cultural background. That's what is so disturbing, that aspect -the mindset.”
Well, indeed. It’s almost like there’s a total scorn for the law of this land, a contempt for the potential consequences of their actions...


  1. their yer go julia we carnt do owt rite.i studdid at collige and av a sertificat in radiators and donuts tho.

  2. Obviously, because these people have No Appearance, they cannot be recognised, identified and are much less likely to be found. If they were taken to court, no one would see them.

    It's like looking for the invisible man when he takes his coat off.

  3. Bad weekend Melv?

  4. I think the biggest clue is that one of those in hospital 'owns a taxi firm'.

    In the interests of equality, were the 'Ice Cream Wars' in scotland a few years back perpetrated by white people? Will have to go and refresh my memory.

    The most sickening aspect appears that some were 'armed with bats'. It is a criminal offense to disturb bats and i hope the bat protection league are aware of this.

  5. The ice cream wars appeared to have involved people who were white (Irish):

    It would be interesting to investigate what success meets with the endeavours of non-MONA persons to set up taxi businesses in some/most towns in the UK.

  6. Meanwhile those pesky 'Asians' have been up to no good again:

  7. Typical Paki behaviour.

  8. "I think the biggest clue is that one of those in hospital 'owns a taxi firm'."


    "Meanwhile those pesky 'Asians' have been up to no good again..."

    Bloody Chinese! Or was it the Thais this time?

  9. XX It means they don't fear the consequences, don't fear the Police, or hold any respect for the law of the land. Anarchy is their politics, whatever there religion or race.... or cultural background. That's what is so disturbing, that aspect -the mindset.” XX

    Arrest/book a German, a Brit, a Swede, etc, you may get them arguing the toss that they are innocent. But certain "groups" feel it is their RIGHT to break the law, and scream and shout about their RIGHT to do so.

    They are not interested in the fact if they are guilty or not.

    THAT is the main difference.
