Wednesday 19 December 2012

"...and hear the lamentation of the women."

Hey, Conan was right!
The family broke down and wept in the dock, except for William, who stood stoney faced.
Mary, also known as Breda, screamed uncontrollably and frantically pulled her hair as the first verdict, against her husband was read out.
"Oh daddy! Oh daddy!" she yelled. "Mind the children. Why are you doing this? I have never done anything to anyone in all my life."
Six security staff struggled to maintain order while the verdicts were read out. One security guard was injured as family members leapt to their feet and Gloucestershire Police officers in the front row helped eject family members from the public gallery.
Extra security guards rushed into court to physically remove relatives.
John Connors' wife was carried from the court after trying to climb out of the public gallery into the dock. As she left, she wailed: "Please, please, I'm asking you no. Don't do this."
Miles Connors' wife was also carried screaming from the court.
Who said we had abolished slavery in England?


  1. Pity "hard labour" is no longer on the penal menu.

  2. Demetrius is right. There was a similar case in Bedfordshire earlier this year, also involving Irish travellers. There must be a lot of it about.

  3. "Sounds all very exciting."

    I feel sorry for the court staff!

    "Demetrius is right. There was a similar case in Bedfordshire earlier this year, also involving Irish travellers. There must be a lot of it about."

    Of that, I've no doubt whatsoever. Here's hoping every single penny of their ill-gotten gains is stripped from them.

    Hopefully the taxman won't be as swayed by 'diversity ishoos' as the police...
