Wednesday 19 December 2012

It's Not Working! Dial Up The Hyperbole!

Since no-one bought the last sob story, they decided to step up a gear:
Thousands of London children are going to school hungry because their parents are too poor to afford breakfast.
A harrowing investigation reveals today that scores of children have even passed out in class due to lack of food.
Bullshit! Show me the evidence for this claim!
Three quarters of teachers interviewed by the London Assembly in a snapshot survey said they had personally taken action to help hungry children.
Well, of course they did! Even on an anonymous survey, I'm sure the progressives like to enjoy that warm glow that comes from feeling magnanimous, even if you are just fantasising...
Of those who said they had “taken action” to feed pupils, 60 per cent said they provided food at their own expense.
We must be payin' 'em too much! Let's hope the school governors remember this when they start to go on strike for more pay...
Fiona Twycross, who is leading the study, said: “It’s heart-breaking to think that children are going to school hungry. Some kids have told us there’s no food in the cupboard at home at all. The problem might be even more widespread than we think. There are probably thousands going hungry.
“You can’t see a hungry child, you just see a child who is listless or a bit ratty and lacking concentration, so unless a teacher spots it and asks the right questions we just don’t know.
Thank goodness for caring teachers who pay for food for hungry pupils out of their own pockets – although it is scandalous that they have to in this day and age. What worries me even more is what is happening during the school holidays when this extra help isn't available.”
Gosh, Fiona, maybe the parents will have to use their KittyBingo money to feed their brats instead?
Investigators have uncovered harrowing tales. One teacher came across a child standing outside a cookery class sniffing the air as cakes were baked inside.
I stood by the bakery counter in M&S the other day, sniffing the air in similar fashion. Because it smelled good, not because I was starving!

Good grief, these people make the Sandy Hook gun banners look like an oasis of calm reason and informed debate!


  1. These teachers have mentioned that a number of their pupils are being neglected by their 'parents' to the local social services department, yes?

  2. I wonder how many of these hungry children have satellite or cable TV, X-boxes, iPods/Pads, mobile phones and wear £100 trainers? I'm old enough to recall kids in the North West going to school in wooden clogs with some kids staying off school because their (one pair of) trousers were either being washed or repaired. Hungry? These kids, and their parents, don't know they're born!

  3. Came here to ask the same as Clarissa...the SS will be able to provide documented evidence, I take it ?

    The phone bills itemising the thousands of calls made from one to the other will do, for a start.

    Have you seen the breakfast menu ? It reads like a fairly decent high-street cafe.

    When the teachers serve up only unsweetened porridge every day...or something equally as disgusting but nutritious....and children are still queueing up in their thousands for free food then I might start to believe it.

  4. “You can’t see a hungry child..."

    Of course not. They're invisible to anyone but gifted teachers buying hi-protein ration packs down the co-op.

  5. "These teachers have mentioned that a number of their pupils are being neglected by their 'parents' to the local social services department, yes?"

    Heh! Yeah. I'm sure they must have... ;)

    "I'm old enough to recall kids in the North West going to school in wooden clogs with some kids staying off school because their (one pair of) trousers were either being washed or repaired. Hungry? These kids, and their parents, don't know they're born!"

    Indeed! My local ASDA is in a 'deprived' area - rarely* do I see anyone buying just bread and margarine in the value range...


    "When the teachers serve up only unsweetened porridge every day...or something equally as disgusting but nutritious....and children are still queueing up in their thousands for free food then I might start to believe it."

    What a brilliant idea!
