Friday 7 December 2012


Burnley Crown Court heard how HGV driver Timothy Bolchover, 26, had been barred from the Duke of Wellington in Great Harwood, which had then been his ‘local’, the night before.
But he then returned and demanded landlady Nadine Davies serve him.
I guess he doesn't know when 'Yer barred!' means exactly that...
Victim Mark Eccles, who was outside the premises chatting to Ms Davies, a friend of his, stepped between them as Bolchover was aggressive and the landlady thought she was going to be attacked.
The defendant tried to get past him, the victim told him Ms Davies didn't want him there and was punched in the eye by Bolchover.
It's really no wonder he was barred!
Ken Hind, defending, said Bolchover had been drinking and was out without his long- term partner. He thought the landlady would let him in.
I can't imagine why!
The defendant, of Stevenson Street West, Accrington, had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, on July 31, last year.
He was given 10 months in jail,suspended for 18 months,with 150 hours unpaid work and must pay £250 compensation.


  1. Innocent Bystander7 December 2012 at 12:31

    Who was Eccles a bouncer for - Mothercare?

  2. Julia if you want your blood pressure to go through the roof then google Dean Cole in the Evening Standard.A robber on a stolen moped suing police after he was injured trying to escape.Unbelievable.

  3. Incremental totalitarianism implemented through institutionalised compartmentalisation.

  4. "Julia if you want your blood pressure to..."

    The word 'jaded' is sufficient in itself.

  5. Incite women named Nadine at your peril.

    Did they also suspend his disbarment from the Dukes Up?

    TBH if he had a job, I think that it would be better not to incarcerate him. I note that his brief did not say that this was out of character, though.

  6. Ah well, any decent landlady is going to be organise a little justice of her own...courtesy of a select few regulars...

    'S how 'tis round these 'ere parts, anyhoo.

  7. It appears this Timothy Bolchover has a colourful history...

    Anti-social order after roof drama
    A 16-YEAR-OLD boy described as a "prolific offender" has been made the subject of a two-year anti-social behaviour order after assaulting a police officer...

    Comically, his defence mitigated with one of the better aspects of his character: "... being someone with not many convictions..."

    5 years later, and keeping with his favoured refuge from justice...

    17-hour Great Harwood roof top protest ends
    A SEX assault suspect prompted 17-hour stand-off with police after heading onto a terraced roof when officers went to arrest him...

    But then our boy turns briefly good. Although its fair to say fortuity put him in the right place at the right time...

    How we caught Great Harwood 'sex attack' suspect
    POLICE have hailed the bravery of two workers who made a citizen’s arrest on a youth suspected (convicted) of a violent sex attack on a nine-year-old girl in Great Harwood.

    Alas, he seems to be headed down hill again with his latest adventure. I suspect we'll hear more from Tim in the not too distant future.

  8. "Who was Eccles a bouncer for - Mothercare?"

    Well, indeed. Surely it's not the sort of thing being 'off duty' makes you forget?

    "A robber on a stolen moped suing police after he was injured trying to escape.Unbelievable."

    Oh, how I wish it WAS 'unbelievable'. Sadly, I can believe it all to readily... :(

    "Ah well, any decent landlady is going to be organise a little justice of her own...courtesy of a select few regulars..."


    "It appears this Timothy Bolchover has a colourful history..."

    That must be why his brief avoided the 'out of character' gambit!
