Wednesday 16 January 2013

For 'A Young Man With No Previous Convictions'...

...he's a fast learner:
"This is a young man with no previous convictions, who accepts full responsibility for his behaviour," Mr Sayce said.
Hmmm, and while he was breaking one law, he seems to have decided to be hung for a sheep as well as a lamb:
Makepeace also pleaded guilty to criminal damage.
He admitted three additional charges, of burglary, theft and attempted theft – offences committed in Wood Gate, Loughborough, while on bail for squatting.
Well, a stay in jail will resolve his accommodation 'problem' quite handily. Oh, Silly me.
Magistrate David Womersley sentenced Makepeace to 18 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, for burglary and a total of nine weeks in prison, also suspended, for trespass, theft and attempted theft – to run concurrently.


  1. Robert the Biker16 January 2013 at 13:19

    But of course if people now resort to the tried and tested " send some large lads to administer a kicking" method, that will be terrible won't it.
    I am currently buying an empty property, if a shitstain like this is found therein, the police are the very LAST people who will be called.

  2. The young fool - he should have gone down the capitalist route of shoplifting. Put aside whatever you can afford into a cash wad and go shoplift up to that value.

    If you get caught, pay for the goods and continue as before - as your career path progress and your skills get better, your initial cash wad can be upped.

    A life of prison free crime.

  3. "But of course if people now resort to the tried and tested " send some large lads to administer a kicking" method, that will be terrible won't it."

    We can't be far off that, can we?

    "If you get caught, pay for the goods and continue as before..."

    I hear sharia law has an answer to that... ;)
