Wednesday 16 January 2013

It's 'Guess The Excuse!' Time...

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, picked up a dog while it was being walked by its owner and threw it from a bridge on to a busy road.
Harry the Jack Russell suffered such serious injuries that he had to be put to sleep by a vet.
Oooh, what are we going to have?

Something exotic like 'My client has Aspergers', your honour'? Maybe a cultural excuse? 'My client comes from a community that fears and reviles dogs, your honour'?
This week Milton Keynes magistrates heard how the teenager admitted his crime – which he blames on drink and cannabis – and they adjourned the case until next month for sentencing.
Ah. Well, the old standbys are the best, aren't they?
The bench has the power to grant a maximum of six months’ imprisonment for a single offence and/or a fine of up to £5,000.
I'll be utterly astounded if he gets a custodial.


  1. Bunny,

    Instead of punishing him, just lift reporting restrictions. If he is old enough to drink he is old enough to take responsibility for his actions. If someone decides that he needs a good stiff bit of admonishment it could be described as a community punishment.

  2. Fingers crossed - adjournment for sentencing means they'll be at least considering custodial although most likely that the PSR will come up with some guff about counselling for drink/drugs and the old standby of anger management as a better option.

  3. As with all animal and child cruelty cases I'm astounded he made it into a court room alive. Testament to the self-control of those around this piece of filth, I guess.

    I'd have none whatsoever.

  4. The Meissen Bison16 January 2013 at 12:26

    I'll be utterly astounded if he gets a custodial.

    Yup and I'll be utterly astounded if he's made to pay a fine out of money he's actually earned.

  5. People are going to have to start dealing with scum like this themselves. Involving the plod and the courts just gives the cnuts their blessing to go ahead and do it again after being told off. I would have found out where the bastard lived and bided my time...

  6. If there is a sky fairy, or such a thing as karma, please may it fuck this worthless POS up in a horrific manner.

    Otherwise, please may poor Harry's owner know some very large, very nasty dog lovers.

    Note to any progressives who may be reading (some hope): none of your ideas have worked. This sad story is what happens to blameless people and blameless creatures when an amoral underclass is created. Until you grasp that scumbags will only start behaving in a civilised fashion WHEN THERE ARE PENALTIES FOR NOT DOING SO, there will be more, and more, and more such events.

  7. Bandit 1 has got it.

    The justice system has been tampered with to the point where the thugs have got almost nothing to lose.

    Until they have plenty to lose - starting with several layers of skin from their useless backsides -these brutal crimes will go on.

  8. Okay, how's this for a solution? Make citing use of illegal drugs as mitigation the equivalent to a guilty plea for possession of those drugs.

    Bet we'd see a huge reduction in that kind of mitigation...

  9. "Instead of punishing him, just lift reporting restrictions. If he is old enough to drink he is old enough to take responsibility for his actions."


    "Testament to the self-control of those around this piece of filth, I guess."

    The man was elderly, these scum (as always) run in a pack. :/

    "Note to any progressives who may be reading (some hope): none of your ideas have worked."

    That's because they haven't been tried properly, clearly. It can't possibly be because the people proposing them know nothing of human nature, can it?

    "Okay, how's this for a solution? Make citing use of illegal drugs as mitigation the equivalent to a guilty plea for possession of those drugs."

    I like that!

  10. XX The bench has the power to grant a maximum of six months’ imprisonment for a single offence and/or a fine of up to £5,000.XX

    Not quite.

    They also have the power to refer it to the crown court, if they feel their sentecing powers are "not sufficient."

    OR (!?) Is that ANOTHER one of those laws that was thrown out by that bag of commy shite known as Blair?

  11. Yup, indeed. I have an autism spectrum disorder and I'm increasingly worried how many people are trying to use and abuse the condition in order to get themselves out of receiving punishment for crimes that they have committed.

    If you do the crime, you should do the time.

  12. Or, we could just throw him off the same bridge.

  13. I've got a staffie he can pick up.
