Monday 28 January 2013

I Always Thought Ignorance Of The Law Was No Excuse..?

...guess I (along with others) was wrong:
A muslim who raped a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook has been spared a prison sentence after a judge heard he went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless.
I wonder why the feminist whackjobs aren't as keen to put the boot into this judge - or this culture - as they are to put the boot in to poor old Joanna Lumley?
Earlier Nottingham Crown Court heard that such crimes usually result in a four to seven-year prison sentence.
But the judge said that because Rashid was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’.


  1. Do ethnic minorities really commit as high a propoprtion of rape/sexual violence as media coverage suggests?

  2. Anonymous @ 09:30 said

    'Do ethnic minorities really commit as high a propoprtion of rape/sexual violence as media coverage suggests?'

    Proportionately they are nine times more likely, so yes you will see a lot more than mere numbers (population) would suggest.

    (Care in using the term 'ethnic minorities' should be exercised from now on as ethnically the English are fast becoming the minority in many cities and towns, e.g. the English were reduced to a minority in London in the late 80's).

    note: British or Briton is not an ethnicity.


  3. A rapist who is passive and lacking assertion eh? Hmmmmmmm.

  4. The left (and indeed the jellyfish of a judge) will be only too ready to forgive here. As well as being a member of a designated victim group, they could argue after Whoopi Goldberg commenting on the Polanski case that it wasn't, like, "rape, rape"

  5. British Law and British Justice share wondrous qualities. Neither was shackled with the need to make sense or the impediment of consistency.

  6. The elephant in the room is that the madrassa schools are out of control and guilty of poisoning the minds of the young.
    I have heard some horror stories from westernised middle eastern families who have sent their children to saturday/sunday schools just to learn Arabic language and are shocked when the child comes home with the full Taliban indoctrination.

  7. It's been said here before: it's almost as if the Establishment is trying to antagonise the majority populace. If there were a more sure-fire way of fostering 'racial' (i.e. cultural) prejudice than things like this I can't think what it might be. People are not blind, and will draw their own conclusions. For example, it would be wrong to assume that all Asian Moslem businessmen are cheats, but the frequency with which we read of such, and the lenient treatment of those who do have a run-in with the courts are, it seems to me, tailor made to nurture just such stereotypes.

  8. "Proportionately they are nine times more likely..."

    Is that not a factor of their concentration in cities, where higher crime is prevalent?

    "A rapist who is passive and lacking assertion eh?"

    It was a technical rape - there's no evidence the girl wasn't a willing partner, just that, legally, she cannot consent.

    "The elephant in the room is that the madrassa schools are out of control and guilty of poisoning the minds of the young. "

    And yet, to read the 'Guardian', you'd be forgiven for thinking Gove's academies were the worst thing in the world...

    "'s almost as if the Establishment is trying to antagonise the majority populace. "

    Or maybe they just no longer care whether they do or do? They've no more need to pretend.

    Well, in that case, I think we too should stop pretending.

  9. Rashid was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’

    Probably quite true. I hear Big Bubber in cell 47 rather gets off on the passives.
