Thursday 24 January 2013

I Remember When 'Classy And Discreet' Was A Virtue...

...sadly, I don't think it's only Australia that now considers it an insult:
A crowd of angry mothers staged a mass-breastfeeding outside an Australian television channel after a male anchor called on mothers to be ‘classy' and 'discreet’ when nursing in public.
Women and children gathered outside the Channel Seven television studios in Sydney to protest against comments made by David Koch, host of Australia's most popular breakfast show Sunrise, on Friday.
About 100 people gathered for the ‘Sunrise Nurse-in’ to defend the legal right to breastfeed in public, demanding an apology from Mr Koch.
*sigh* No-one's trying to remove your right - just suggesting that you be a little, well, ladylike, in how you go about it.

But then, from Angry Exile's blog, we all know that for a certain type of female, any suggestion that she doesn't have the perfect right to let it all hang out is akin to a red rag to a bull.
His comments landed him in the hot seat with breastfeeding advocates who staged the protest outside the Sunrise studios.
‘I just feel like their (sic) dangerous and offensive,’ protest organiser Amy Ahearn told ABC.
‘They’re dangerous because some women find it very difficult to breastfeed, especially in public and I think a comment like that can shame them into not doing it in public and feel like it is not supported by people.'
So next time you see a new mother who looks like she might be finding it 'difficult to breastfeed', give her a big smile and a 'thumb's up' gesture. Maybe a 'Woohoo!' into the bargain.

And when the police come to arrest you for harassment, tell 'em Amy told you it was OK...


  1. "So next time you see a new mother who looks like she might be finding it 'difficult to breastfeed', give her a big smile and a 'thumb's up' gesture. Maybe a 'Woohoo!' into the bargain."

    Show you truly are a New Man ...totally caring and completely understanding of the ways of New Mothers...and offer, nay insist, on giving practical help.

    Video on Youtube afterwards, please LOL

  2. Starship Fighter24 January 2013 at 15:30

    Miss Starship managed to feed both our girls, on demand, for the first year of their lives without once ever having to whap them out in public. She didn't feel comfortable doing it in front of strangers and preferred to find a quiet spot where she didn't have to worry about other people.
    I'm not saying that's the right thing to do - it was for her - but it demonstrates to me that you don't HAVE to be that person suckling on the bus or in a Cafe.

  3. This is a case of 'Let's suck 'em and see'.

  4. Surely in our modern age this is job that the fathers ought to do as well as just leaving it to the ladies.

  5. I've made a point of looking carefully at breastfeeding when it's done in public. This hasn't been very enjoyable, as the moo cows are generally unattractive, with some sort of Google Maps overlay described by wriggly blue lines where the deoxygenated blood courses its way back across their spaniel's ears.

    I don't mind women getting their fun bags out for the lads, and I hope that they won't mind if I exercise my right to pick my nose in public.

    Like their babies, I can't help it if I'm hungry.

    The sad thing is, of course, that these sad bra-burners are allowed to bring a child up to follow their entitlement doctrine. Freedom's where it's at, kids! Fight the man!

    With any luck, they will take this to heart and become drug addicts or prostitutes.

  6. The manner in which things are done determines polish and style. Kylie's boob show is as unlikely to invoke erotic titillation as she is to utter "Pardon, je ne l’ai pas fait exprès".

  7. As I was growing up in Central Africa in the late 1950s-early 1960s, I became aware that the African women with babies were breast-feeding them in public. As was always the tradition amongst the Africans, the women turned their backs to face the bush, away from any passing person.
    If you were driving a car along a dirt road (almost all roads were) and you saw a woman with her back to the road, it was the done thing to slow the car to a crawl as you passed by. Why? Because you knew the woman was feeding a baby.
    I was back in Zambia a couple of years ago and I noticed that the same behaviour continued, whether in a restaurant or other public place. I asked one woman why she turned away when feeding her baby. I was told that this was something that modest women with a child had always done and that only 'loose' women blatantly fed their children in view of the general public.
    There is no discussion about breast-feeding of children in Zambia; it has always happened and will continue to do so but in a manner which suits the woman concerned and the public at large.

  8. The acid test must surely be, do the sharia law enforcement gangs approve or not?

  9. breast fed children can get easily distracted from feeding if there are noises etc near-by. Let them have peace , privacy nd quiet.

  10. "Video on Youtube afterwards, please LOL"

    Heh! Quite... ;)

    "...but it demonstrates to me that you don't HAVE to be that person suckling on the bus or in a Cafe."

    I suspect it's really only a subset of women that feel the need to do this, and it's less about feeding the poor kid and far more about satisfying themselves...

    "I don't mind women getting their fun bags out for the lads, and I hope that they won't mind if I exercise my right to pick my nose in public."

    Well, there are worse things... ;)

    "I was told that this was something that modest women with a child had always done and that only 'loose' women blatantly fed their children in view of the general public."

    Spot on! Would that Western women could take this to heart.

  11. Exactly what I'm trying to promote and getting lambasted by the feminists for.

  12. XX So next time you see a new mother who looks like she might be finding it 'difficult to breastfeed', give her a big smile and a 'thumb's up' gesture. Maybe a 'Woohoo!' into the bargain.XX

    You missed out "WAYHAYYYY dariln' Get'cha tits out for the lads!!!"

    Works a treat normally.

  13. You missed out "WAYHAYYYY dariln' Get'cha tits out for the lads!!!

    Whereas the feminazi's cry is "WAYHAYYYY dariln' Get'cha tits out for the kids!!!"
