Friday 25 January 2013

Just What Does It Take..?

Morey, dressed in a hooded top, pounced on her hapless colleague, smashing the bottle over her head and stamping on her while she lay on the ground.
The attack was so violent that investigators were able to tie Morey to the attack from boot marks left on her victim's back.
After the attack, Morey hijacked Miss Rix's Fiat Punto, abandoned it a short distance away and set fire to it.
And the punishment for this vicious attack?
Morey, of Lyndhurst, Hants, was jailed for eight months after admitting assault causing actual bodily harm, theft of a motor vehicle and arson at Winchester Crown Court.
A charge alleging Morey impersonated a police officer was dropped.


  1. Exactly, 8 months is far too severe..

  2. Just got up; settling down for a cooked breakfast in front of the Murray match

  3. Pussy pass. Girl on girl so there's no feminist angle.

  4. I see one of the commenters on the 'Fail' believes this to be proof that childcare providers aren't paid enough......

  5. The state of our sea defences shambolic. Make the bastards productive by putting them to work breaking rocks for hardcore.

    What's that me dears? It violates your 'uman rights? Tough! Get cracking and sling those slegehammers you 'orrible little scrotes. The only rights you'll get from me are last ones...

  6. A very vicious attack, true enough.

    But give credit where it is due, Julia. Such a convincing impersonation of a police officer would fool the majority of citizens.

  7. "Pussy pass. Girl on girl so there's no feminist angle."

    Could be!

    "...proof that childcare providers aren't paid enough...."

    Oh, good grief! It's hard to work out what's a genuine comment and what's a parody sometimes...

    "Make the bastards productive by putting them to work breaking rocks for hardcore."

    Chain them to the beach - don't want to work, love? Well, you will change your mind when the tide starts coming it!

    "Such a convincing impersonation of a police officer would fool the majority of citizens."

