Tuesday 1 January 2013

Is This Part Of Your Duty As ICT Teacher, Matthew?

Ratton School pupils are making a stand against tax avoidance by not using Google’s search engine for a week.
The plan was masterminded by Matthew Bristow, assistant headteacher for strategic ICT, because he felt a political protest against tax avoidance schemes was needed.
Strange contract you seem to have at that school. Perhaps someone in Gove's office should look it over....
Mr Bristow is encouraging all 1,200 children at the school not to use Google for searches in their ITC lessons or at home.
Because, of course, you've explained all the issues, right?
Vikash Thulasitharan, a 16-year-old Year 11 student, said, “As soon as I heard about it, I thought it was really unfair that they were not paying their taxes when others were.”
Ah. Clearly not.


  1. But, of course, in their narrow view, Lefties can never be wrong. Not until they've made EVERYBODY equally poor will they begin to understand what true misery is.

  2. David Linsell is the headteacher and there is a list of the governors.

    Time to get the old complaint letters out telling the bloke to stick to his job and not allow teachers to dragoon children in to their own private hobby-horse politics. (Hint: make it a rule that all press contact must be authorized by the head. I will bet that the ICT teacher didn't tell him before ringing the local rag).

    My stock of goodwill didn't last very long this year. I was hoping to make it to lunchtime. Ah well.

  3. Mr Bristow (resurrecting the Lennie Pike role) said "Everybody pays taxes. Even businessmen, who rob and cheat and steal from people every day, even they have to pay taxes.

  4. As Blair once famously said, "Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination !"

  5. Vikash Thulasitharan? No doubt his mummy, daddy, auntie & uncle will have a word about tax with him at some point - as well as advising the latest card skimming equipment and software for his petrol station in the future.

    Is dat a likkle bit waysist?

  6. Matthew Bristow, assistant headteacher for strategic ICT

    Now, why was I expecting him to look creepy and have a badly adjusted tie?

    Matthew Bristow, self-appointed Ratton School Political Commissar, resents those who avoid tax. I bet Bristow never bought duty free.

    Another basket-weaving Leftist Goebbels who, not seeming to want a real job in the private sector, infests our schools.

    Bristow knows all too well that any adult would tell him to fuck himself if he tried to impose his hissy fittery on them. It is therefore reasonable that he preys on young minds that are most probably, at that age, fixated on twats.

    And Mr Bristow is just another twat.

  7. I wonder if Bristow factored Youtube into his pathetic little protest too?

  8. How demented can people become. Not paying taxes because there is a loss or because the EU and national legislation tax laws are being diligently applied is not tax avoidance it is acting on tax affairs in a perfectly legitimate way. Rant about the tax laws being wrong, some will be some will not,but do not be so stupid and ignorant as to attack law abiding businesses who after all are the wealth creators and account for most of our prosperity.

  9. ....and we're paying this idiot with money scavenged from our hard earned. Refund! Refund!

  10. I bet Mr Bristow insists that HMRC deducts more tax from his pay than his tax code allows.Why can these idiots not see the difference between avoidance and evasion?

  11. at the bottom of the linked story: Google’s UK unit paid just £6m to the Treasury in 2011 on a turnover of £395m, according to the Telegraph.

    And your point is? (Tax is paid on profit not turnover).

  12. Can anyone enlighten me as to what "strategiv ICT" is? It's a long time since I was at school. It's obviously very important as it appears to have a whole department devoted to teaching it.

  13. What's costing this country more; Starbucks or deadwood teachers?

    Mmmmm, let me think....

    Also, I wonder if Sir has noted the irony of an ICT teacher teaching the pupils how not to use information technology? Perhaps his boss should remember this redundancy the next time he/she has to put forward one of the faculty for the glue factory (or wherever it is that old teachers go to retire).

  14. " Not until they've made EVERYBODY equally poor will they begin to understand what true misery is."

    Oh, but they don't expect to share that misery. Heaven forbid!

    "My stock of goodwill didn't last very long this year. "

    Sensibly, I didn't get any in... ;)

    "As Blair once famously said, "Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination !""

    Spot on!

    "Can anyone enlighten me as to what "strategiv ICT" is?"

    It appears to be a job-creation scheme for those unable to survive in the real world...

  15. Had this happened when I was at school, I'd have made a point of using Google just to piss them off. I was a git as a teenager.

    Waddya mean, nothing's changed?

  16. As if Google gives a shit.

  17. Presumably he is also boycotting the BBC and the Guardian giving they long history of tax avoidance.

  18. This thread is ridiculous. I hope that all the right-wing swivel eyed people who posted comments here subscribe to UKIP before the country sinks into total left wing mayhem. Deadwood teachers! More like deadbrain tories.
