Tuesday 1 January 2013

Le Mot Juste...

Sometimes you read a headline and think 'Oh! That's a bit strong...':

And then you read further and....



  1. Fat drunken munter indeed. I'm sure PC Morre will get a ticking off for describing this particular 'service user' as a beer monster in the meeja. Spay her now!

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck1 January 2013 at 10:37

    PC Moore said: "She has recognised she has a problem and has accepted the Asbo, so we hope this one will work."It will give her clear boundaries that will hopefully prevent further problems. This order is about protecting the public from her behaviour.

    Hmmmm ... we'll know soon enough I suppose. I can't help feeling though, that a day or two in the stocks might have more effect?

    Happy New Year JM, not that there's much to be happy about - another 12 month's largesse for the needy and the vulnerable no doubt.

  3. Further pain, imprisonment and branding won't resolve this young woman's problems. Well, at least she is presented with a choice between Julia's torch death or a step accident, courtesy of PC 'Rustle More'.
    Gosh, some dilemma eh?

  4. When I was in the Navy we had a saying:

    I wouldn't f**k her with your d**k

  5. "I'm sure PC Morre will get a ticking off for describing this particular 'service user' as a beer monster in the meeja. "

    Sadly, I wouldn't be at all surprised!

    "...another 12 month's largesse for the needy and the vulnerable no doubt."

    Oh, no doubt indeed :(

    "When I was in the Navy we had a saying:

    I wouldn't f**k her with your d**k"

    I think she was why strap-ons were invented...

  6. "I think she was why strap-ons were invented..."

    No more a myth than the idea of any "nice" woman, JuliaM.
