Thursday 10 January 2013

The New 'We're Just Standing Around With Our Thumbs Up Our Arses'...

Insp Brad Dickel, of Leigh police, invited the resident to call him directly with any information.
He added: “It’s something we are aware of, we’ve used a multi-agency approach and a number of enquries are ongoing.”
That's nice for you. Mind how you go, officer. Watch out for reports about lions!


  1. "...we’ve used a multi-agency approach..."

    One would think that only one agency would be sufficient to sort out the problem - the police.

    With or without their opposable digits stuck up their rectal passages.

  2. Insp Brad Dickel.........where to start? Oh why bother, newspapers should just print a smaller version of 'wank bingo' in place of anything ANY police spokesPERSON says such as:

    Inspector Brad Dickel (who really wants to progress in the new Krazy Koalition Nu-Labor People's Police) said:
    Partnership ... Blah Blah Blah
    Multi-agency ... Blah Blah Blah
    Intelligence led... Blah Blah Blah
    Priorities... Blah Blah Blah
    communities we serve... Blah Blah Blah
    diversity... Blah Blah Blah
    We can only speculate as to the motives ... Blah Blah Blah
    At the end of the day ... Blah Blah Blah
    Steven lawrence ... Blah Blah Blah
    Lessaons to be learned ... Blah Blah Blah

  3. Sounds rather enterprising to me. Picking up bags of old clothes from outside charity shops and recycling them. And,as charity shops repeatedly ask that bags of clothes NOT be left outside their premises I don't suppose they are too bothered by this. Not even a crime. as far as I can see.

  4. If only they were serious criminals like people lying about their address to get their kids into a better school, the police and council could could actually do something.

  5. Going by the evidence of police inaction, and the bullshit bingo played by the senior officer, a person could draw the conclusion the alleged charity bag thieves and drug dealers were members of some protected or over indulged ethnic or confessional group.

  6. Ermm, Julia, slightly off topic, but within the week. Enjoy.

  7. @Anonymous 09:25-

    Also ... "This is an isolated incident"

  8. Loads of stolen bags of clothes going in, but no reports of them coming out. Are they hoarding or something. Is there a black hole in that flat?

  9. "Watch out for reports about lions!"

    Just as well the plod from Essex or Clacton don't have stuff like this in Norfolk (Virginia) to put up with.

  10. Why am I thinking that the offenders will not be white English?

  11. Classy concepts and language, Julia.
    This blog can no longer be denied a sideline in Burberry baseball caps.

  12. "One would think that only one agency would be sufficient to sort out the problem - the police. "

    Well, quite! Just who else is involved?

    "Not even a crime. as far as I can see."

    Perhaps that explains the inaction?

    "Loads of stolen bags of clothes going in, but no reports of them coming out. "

    They must have a TARDIS!

    "Just as well the plod from Essex or Clacton don't have stuff like this in Norfolk (Virginia) to put up with."

