Wednesday 9 January 2013

" They come here because it is so colourful, exciting and lively..."

"..., but when they’ve been here for a bit they want to make it just like back home."
No, no. It's not what you think!
Stereotypically, they are hard workers, miserly, and fastidious doorstep polishers, and they have flooded the trendiest part of Berlin with yuppie residents since the fall of the city’s infamous Wall over two decades ago.
The newcomers hail from a wealthy region in Germany’s south-west called Swabia. But their presence in the capital has now provoked a furious outburst from one of the country’s leading politicians, who has accused them of importing nauseating provincialism to metropolitan Berlin.
Quite a turn-up for the books, eh?


  1. Ha!

    Although Zie Germans largely don't really have a sense of national identity, they tend to stick to the state/region for self-defined identity.

    Apparently the World Cup in 2006 was fairly controversial in that for the first time in many years German people did in large numbers what English people do and wave flags in a non-racist way.......

  2. Robert the Biker9 January 2013 at 13:30

    Hmmm....Famous Swabians include Erwin Rommel and Gottleib Daimler.....Is that the sound of the Panzers starting up I hear?

  3. They are despised because they are clean, industrious, law-abiding and peaceful. The Left have a catastrophic mental illness which involves the compulsion to destroy their own culture and environment. These Swabians are utterly alien to them.

  4. Robert, Rommel is one of what I would call the 'good Germans' of the 33-45 period. When Hitler sent emissaries to liaise with the Arabs in order to kill north African Jews, Rommel sent the genocidal bastards back to Berlin with a flea in their ear.

    Rommel might have fought under the Nazi flag, but he was very much not the stereotypical Nazi.

  5. They don't fit into Berlin because they can't speak Turkish.

  6. Robert the Biker, Colonel General Sepp Dietrich is another famous Swabian. He started off driving the Fuhrer about, as his chauffeur, and ended up commanding armies on both the eastern and western fronts.

  7. "Apparently the World Cup in 2006 was fairly controversial in that for the first time in many years German people did in large numbers what English people do and wave flags in a non-racist way....."

    Fascinating! We never really consider just how different some European cultures are from our images of them, do we?

    "They are despised because they are clean, industrious, law-abiding and peaceful."

    Indeed. Don't the left secretly despise the working class English culture where scrubbing your doorstep was a source of pride amongst mothers?

    "They don't fit into Berlin because they can't speak Turkish."


  8. And where is Furor, just when he might make a relevant comment rather than spreading the hate?

  9. I do love the censorship! Libertarian indeed.

  10. Julia said:"
    Indeed. Don't the left secretly despise the working class English culture where scrubbing your doorstep was a source of pride amongst mothers?"

    If you live in some of our more disgusting Labour one party state local authorities, that sort of attitude isn't a 'secret'. It appears to be 'policy.' Woe betide the person who is an English pensioner, or a hard worker or who is self employed, in places like Waltham Forest, or Newham or similar. They are the people who are to be quite frank, sneered at and treated like shit.

  11. I love it even more. If you have to censor you have lost the argument. End of.

    Julia, you are a sad, heartless individual. You lack a sense of humour and you radiate unhappiness. You incite hatred while trying to appear reasonable. You attract disaffected misfits like 'Furor'and your raison d'etre is to create discontent.

    So, all these inadequate folk tell you how great you are, and those who come close to the bone get censored. Which is funny, because I thought that you were one of the few who left comments stand.

    You have capitulated. And I do find it amusing. You have lost
    credibility, my dear.

    So, next time you are sniping about poor children being given a free breakfast, or children who miss out because their mother's are feckless, you may want to reflect that bad natured, cussed old ladies, bitter, childless, and resentful, may spend their dotage in the care of similarly disaffected people. The detritus that you describe will be your carers.

    Does anybody love you? Will anybody be there to look after you?

  12. Umm, anon (or anons, who can tell?) what are you burbling on about? Who is 'censoring you'?

    Moderation is on - be patient, and your comment will join the others!

  13. Moderation/censorship, it's all the same. You used to let comments stand and then argue your case. No longer, and your blog is diminished by your deciding what will or will not see the light of day.

  14. Anon, moderation DOES NOT EQUAL censorship. Or I wouldn't have approved the comments above, would I?

    Moderation went on when I was trolled by some cretin posting what they thought was my home address (wasn't even close) so it's now on so I can prevent that.

    The only thing, apart from that, that ever gets deleted here is spam.

  15. "If you live in some of our more disgusting Labour one party state local authorities, that sort of attitude isn't a 'secret'. It appears to be 'policy.'"

    Sadly true :/

  16. TZhiese said that?

    The cheeky MotherFking Bastard!

    He is THE one here that is ONE HUNDRED percent in favour of mass, uncontrolled immigration.

    OBVIOUSLY Schwabians are of the wrong skin shade!

    Twenty Rothmans SPOT on mate!!!
