Monday 28 January 2013

When Did 'Fallen Ill' Become The Code For...

...'drank herself unconscious'?
A taxi driver, who raped a Basildon teen who fell ill during a night out, has been jailed for eight years.
If she was 'ill' shouldn't an ambulance be called?

The 17-year-old victim passed out after drinking too much while out with friends in Romford.
And to think, poor Joanna Lumley's getting stick from the feminist whackjobs for pointing out this very thing...

But if she was so drunk, how's she call a dodgy cab anyway?
She was helped into a cab by street pastors and door staff in February 2012.
But little did they know the cabbie, Nicolae Talaba, was a predator who took advantage of the girl’s drunken condition and raped her after stopping the car near her home address in Basildon.
Whoops! Clearly, they've not seen all the posters up everywhere...


  1. Drunk female gets taken advantage of by cabbie.
    Not an inspiring headline....I wonder how many other drunk women suffer the same fate...but don't realise...

  2. You're quite right that some people don't help themselves when it comes to this sort of thing but can I point out a couple of things?

    She was 17 right? Drinking with friends. Who were where exactly when she was sent on her way?

    I assume that since she was 'helped' into a taxi by door staff that she was drinking at a night club. I would also therefore assume that someone checked her age before she started drinking there then and would have refused to serve her / let her enter since she would have been underage. Is that too much to assume? Or am I missing something?

  3. Fermat's Last Rolo28 January 2013 at 21:49

    If you spend any time at all in A&E you'll realise just how much NHS time is spent looking after the "fallen ill".

  4. Passive tense. It implies no moral agency. Theodore Dalrymple used to note it in his prison patients who had stabbed someone else. It was always "the knife went in" rather than "I stabbed him/her"

  5. ".I wonder how many other drunk women suffer the same fate...but don't realise..."

    Good point!

    "Drinking with friends. Who were where exactly when she was sent on her way?"

    Oh, no-one comes out of this covered in glory, do they?

    "If you spend any time at all in A&E you'll realise just how much NHS time is spent looking after the "fallen ill"."

    I did just that a couple of years ago when I broke my arm. Eye-opening.

    "Passive tense. It implies no moral agency."

    Spot on!

  6. What the fuck is a "street pastor"?!

  7. I know this man and I fully believe he is completely innocent of this crime. Anyone who knows him personally would say the same thing. Just because someone is tried and found guilty, it doesn't mean he is guilty. It just means the majority of 12 members of the public find him guilty and we all know what the public think of foreign minicab drivers. The jury don't always get it right!
