Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wouldn't It Be Cheaper To...

...just fix the bloody things!
But the mystery motorist, who has painted the words ‘fix me’ next to a number of the craters in Swanage, Dorset, could face prosecution if caught.
Martin Hill, maintenance manager for highways at Dorset County Council, said: ‘We have found several potholes marked in this way. It is illegal and anyone caught doing it could be prosecuted.
‘We haven’t received any enquiries about these potholes and our local inspection team had already identified them before the markings were made.
‘They have been added to the work schedule for the next week. It’s important to note the roads in Swanage are in no worse state than the rest of the country.’
So, you're as crap at your job as all the other maintenance managers around the country?

Did that excuse fly when you were six, Martin, and Mummy asked you to tidy your room and you responded by telling her that all the other boy's rooms were just as messy? No?

Well, you're in the grown-up world now, and guess what? It shouldn't work now, either...


  1. ‘We haven’t received any enquiries about these potholes and our local inspection team had already identified them before the markings were made.'

    Oh Rilly? Then why haven't they marked them with coloured paint like what they usually do?

  2. "They have been added to the work schedule for the next week"

    So they've suddenly been added to the schedule for next week. Yeah, right. For some reason I don't think they planned to have them on any near term schedule. It's only because of the publicity that they've suddenly decided they better do something about it.

    Best of getting the council to do something - embarrass them.

  3. Highway surveyors normally mark the boundaries of repair work with spray paint, as the work is usually done by contractors, who are paid on an area reinstated basis. In this article the council claim to be aware of the potholes, yet there is NO sign of any "official" markings.

    Any claim of "criminal damage" is bullshit, as the paint (and indeed their own markings) will soon wear off. They are just squirming with embarrassment, and are looking to shift the blame...

  4. Marking around the edge of the pothole with dayglo spray paint seems like a good idea to me. It would make them show up more, and therefore motorists and pedestrians might be a little less likely to come to grief.


  5. "Then why haven't they marked them with coloured paint like what they usually do?"

    It's embarrassing how easily they are caught in a lie, isn't it?

    And infuriating how little they care about that...

    "Yeah, right."

    My thoughts exactly!

    " They are just squirming with embarrassment, and are looking to shift the blame..."

    I don't know why - it's not like it even affects them!

    " It would make them show up more.."

    I wonder if the 'elf n' safety angle has been used before? Hmmm. These could be very dangerous on unlighted roads at night, to cyclists...
