Tuesday 19 February 2013

And It Was All Going Swimmingly Too!

Geoff Raw, strategic director for Brighton and Hove City Council, admitted: “This is a very regrettable situation. Unfortunately we have lost some fish in the course of the urgent repair works to the park and pond.
We thought we had made good plans and preparations for temporarily storing the fish on-site in specially-insulated skips which were specifically chosen as they are hard to vandalise."
So...what went wrong?
“However, freezing weather meant we couldn't refresh the water regularly without causing an ice hazard on the path and cycle track nearby."
“We have been in contact with the RSPCA to review what happened and have learnt some valuable lessons for the future."
Of course you have...


  1. They put human safety above fish welfare? Give them a prize!!

  2. Strategic director for Brighton and Hove City Council... another £125,000 a year well spent.

    At least the RSPCA are on the case now and we can expect a full and rigorous prosecution in the near future...

    The RSPCA has said it does not have enough evidence to prosecute Brighton and Hove City Council over fish deaths.

    The council killed about 40 fish in the rockery pond at Preston Park while cleaning and repairing it in January.

    Now the RSPCA has admitted it cannot do anything. It said: “The RSPCA was called by a concerned member of the public who had seen dead fish floating in the skips".


  3. Newsflash, ice in winter? They really thought ahead! Oops must get out and get some air to my fish in the pond. Promise I'll be careful!

  4. Bunny

    Someone moves fish, it shocks them, they die, it happens. RSPCA in useless bastards shock.

  5. Brighton and Hove seem to providing at least one daft story a week.
    A test bed for "progressive policies".

  6. Look, it's really quite simple.

    Were the fish being pursued by mounted riders accompanied by hounds ?

    No? OK, not enough evidence to proceed.

  7. Presumably Mr Raw was one of the 'strategic directors' signed up by the infamous 'Rock Dads need not apply' advert: "Forget how it's always been done, we're rewriting the book on Local Government, shaping and transforming how we deliver services.."


  8. They moved 1000 fish. They lost 40. How is that even news?

    And what in Hell makes it a conservation issue that fish who were discarded by their owners into a pond lost 4% of their number when they were moved - not evicted - while their dumping ground was spruced up? Are we to conserve random non-native fish now?

    Deep-fry those suckers. They all taste the same when coated in batter and covered in salt.

  9. "They put human safety above fish welfare? Give them a prize!!"

    The alternative - don't spill water or, if you do, remove it before it becomes a hazard - never occurred to them?


    Sadly noes!

    "Sounds bloody fishy to me."


    "Brighton and Hove seem to providing at least one daft story a week.
    A test bed for "progressive policies"."

    It really is the UK's California!

  10. "Presumably Mr Raw was one of the 'strategic directors' signed up by the infamous 'Rock Dads need not apply' advert"

    Good grief!

    "And what in Hell makes it a conservation issue that fish who were discarded by their owners into a pond lost 4% of their number when they were moved - not evicted - while their dumping ground was spruced up? "

    A truly 'green' council would have exterminated the lot as alien interlopers decimating the native population, wouldn't they?

    Though I'm sure they are quite keen on that, when it happens with people, and not fish...
