Sunday 3 February 2013

Continue To Front Our Motoring Insurance Adverts, Martin?

Oh, no no no no...
TV star Martin Clunes today branded car insurance company Churchill ‘rude’ for dropping him from its adverts after he was disqualified from driving.
Yes, that's right, he thinks he's hard done by...


  1. That would be like having a fat chick advertise Pepsi

  2. "That would be like having a fat chick advertise Pepsi"

    er, did you have this in mind ?

  3. Could this be the reason why Churchill the bulldog is now shown as being behind bars in Battersea Dogs Home ?


  4. Commenting on their parting, Martin Clunes said: "Quite rude, actually. They never said goodbye. They never said thanks. They washed their hands of me completely."

    I have tried but never obtained, a competitive quote from Churchill and I suggest their marketing is slightly misleading. Mr Clunes' account of a rude and aggressive business, is probably closer to the truth.

  5. Totally outrageous discrimination. Next thing you know they'll be banning people smugglers like Theresa May from becoming home secretary.

  6. ", did you have this in mind ?"


    "And of course Churchill has form..."

    Well, quite! Why did he think he'd be different?

    "Totally outrageous discrimination. "

    There ought to be a law against it!

  7. So a fat chick didadvertise Pepsi. Heh!
