Wednesday 13 February 2013

Oh, For Fox Sake! It's Getting Ridiculous!

Following on from the highly dodgy story of the baby 'mauled by killer fox' affair, which I think is currently on it's third iteration of where the baby was (could be fourth by the time this posts), one of our few remaining pubs feels compelled to hide away a tame fox due to one whinging moron.

Then we have this utter nonsense:
Patients and staff are being warned to be on their guard after reports of a fox on the loose outside a maternity unit.
Officials at Wythenshawe Hospital have put up a sign at their main entrance, asking people to be vigilant.
Because a fox is deadly, deadly, do you hear me!? Whereas an NHS hospital, well...
A spokesman for the hospital said that humane traps were currently being set for the fox – and they did not believe that any mums or babies were at risk.
“The fox has not entered any of the internal buildings and we are working with a pest control company who catch foxes using a baited cage and release them a number of miles away.”
Oh, well, that'll please the farmers, won't it?

Update: And now the family have the nerve to whine that 'online trolls' are pointing out the discrepancies in their story below the line! Truly, you couldn't make it up...

H/T: AllyFogg via Twitter and Geoff Orr via email


  1. If a fox can bite a baby then a crazy person can kidnap it.
    Therefore if the security in the hospital was so low that the fox is a danger then the fox has done a wake up call.

  2. Patients and staff are being warned to be on their guard after reports of a fox on the loose outside a maternity unit.

    Surely not a paedofox?

  3. Just shows the fox has more sense than the human population it has not gone into a NHS hospital!

  4. Which hospital?
    Surely its not a Guy's Fox.

  5. "Patients and staff are being warned to be on their guard after reports of a fox on the loose outside a maternity unit."

    At least the poor fox won't be at risk of SHS lung cancer...

    Protecting Wildlife, yet another little known benefit of the hospital Smoking Ban. You know it makes sense!

  6. Wythenshawe Hospital have put up a sign at their main entrance

    Dated: 22/11/12 in case no one noticed. Have they caught the vicious critter yet?

    As for the Dolan baby. It is indeed getting weird...

    Baby was in cot upstairs. Or left on the sofa downstairs.

    Mother Hayley Cawley, of Dagonet Road, said she found the Coyote - sorry, fox - with her new-born son's hand in its mouth after she went to investigate screaming coming from the bedroom. Aunt Lorraine said: “Hayley had just gone upstairs when she heard a bang and came running down and the Dingo - sorry, fox - was dragging the baby towards the back door".

    Door was broken says mother. Who reportedly had been complaining to the council for ages and they had refused to come round and repair the door. Door was fixed on 24th January says Phoenix Community Housing. What did the occupants do at night to secure the home says I?

    Evil internet trolls continue to question whether the family owns a dog. Family members sometimes reply but never do explicitly answer the question. TV report showed dog bowl of some kind in back garden.

    The Metropolitan Police were called at 1638 on Wednesday 6 February by staff at St Thomas's Hospital to reports a baby boy who had been admitted to hospital after being attacked by a brown bear - sorry, fox.

    Inquiries continue.

    Clearly, we're not the only suspicious parties then?

  7. "Surely not a paedofox?"
    The Mail would have a field day. I shall send them a letter saying I suspect this fox is the reincarnated spirit of Jimmy Saville. Who will protect our children from these celebrity paedofoxes?

  8. To be honest, whilst there are no private individuals relocating foxes, there are "animal rescue" organisations doing so. I know of a couple of instances where mounted fox hunts have happened upon large numbers of starving, ex-urban foxes in the countryside, usually by stumbling upon them with hounds.

    I also know of at least one game estate which knows of foxes being relocated to the moors above their estate; not being completely daft these foxes head for lowland cover, and generally end up briefly wondering what the bright spotlight being shone at them from a vehicle is. They don't wonder long; the gamekeeper there is a decent shot with a .177 HMR.

  9. "If a fox can bite a baby then a crazy person can kidnap it."

    And they are even bolder than urban foxes!

    "Surely not a paedofox?"

    LOL! It would nicely combine two urban panics without much foundation, wouldn't it?

    "As for the Dolan baby. It is indeed getting weird... "

    And nope they are labelling as a 'troll' anyone who points out the discrepancies!

    "To be honest, whilst there are no private individuals relocating foxes, there are "animal rescue" organisations doing so."

    About time the practice was banned.

  10. XX Mayor Boris Johnson today confirmed he is considering extreme measures to deal with the problem of foxes.XX

    Hmmm. "Create a problem, offer the solution." Worked for certain 1930s Austrian politicians.

    Are we to see the re-legalisation of fox hunting?
