Wednesday 27 March 2013

A Drain On Society, Not An Asset To ‘Diversity’…

…no matter what anyone says:
A popular Poole boat show which brings in £10,000s in sales and attracts 1,500 people each year has been cancelled
Oh dear! Well, the weather so far has been awful and…

… because of a traveller invasion.
They’ve gone now, though too late in the day to save the show:
Chris Chaddock, organiser of the boat jumble, told the Daily Echo: “These lawless people have come into the area. Law-abiding people like us, the landowners and the exhibitors have been penalised financially because of it. It is outrageous.
“This show has taken place in the arena for 10 years and is much loved by people across the south west. They are going to be gutted it is cancelled. I've had people almost crying on the phone because their day out has been spoiled.”
And it doesn’t end there. Does it ever?
Three caravans and other rubbish has been abandoned at the site, leaving landowners facing hefty clear-up costs.
Canford Park manager Sam McKirdy explained: “We started legal proceedings shortly after the travellers arrived and informed the boat show promoters that this usually takes a week plus.
“Soon afterwards they took the decision to cancel, and now it's too late for them to reverse this. It is a shame.
“As private landlords we meet all clean-up costs and the travellers have dumped three caravans and the usual trash. It's a mess, but we'll have it cleaned soon.
“Travellers are always a big concern for us because it is so costly to get them moved on.”
And even if it wasn’t, you’d still be left with the clear-up costs. Because while some councils are (admirably, in my book) happy to fine Mr & Mrs Average up to £500 for spitting, no-one wants to tackle Mr or Mrs Traveller for much greater offences.


  1. Come Come! Shurely shome mishtake....

    I think Mr Chaddock and the rest the racists ought to have a look at the happy, smiley people who are so misrepresented........(tongue firmly etc)

  2. The upside down nation in a nutshell.

  3. It was absolutely pathetic. Canford Arena is normally locked at every entrance, so forced entry was easy to prove.

    The Police were as usual bloody toothless.

    Frankly the easiest way to deal with these gippos is to go in after them with a bulldozer and a few cans of petrol. We should treat these people with as little respect as they treat us, ie sod all.

  4. Also thanks to Human Rights et al, the Govt. cannot get rid of Abu Qatada.
    Sooner or later what John M suggested will happen..

  5. The Government managed to have squatting made a criminal offence (strangely enough, shortly after the properties of a number of MPs had been taken over), so it can't be all that difficult to make trespass a criminal offence.
    Police can do nothing is because they have no powers over civil offences unless a breach of the peace is being committed. Don't blame them for incidents like this, blame the law makers.
    However, as no politicians or judges are ever inconvenienced over this, nothing will happen. I bet if half a dozen caravans ended up on Devious Dave's lawn the law would soon change.

  6. I think it's about time these travellers packed in their fun and games.

    Most law abiding public are being crucified financially and are being denied services and are having to put up with this theiving lot nicking stuff and causing aggro everywhere they go.

    When you get fined for dropping a sausage roll or saying boo to a goose the people aren't going to be happy.

    I think a change in law is most definitely needed. I think we need to start lobbying.


  7. "The upside down nation in a nutshell."

    Too right! *sighs*

    "Canford Arena is normally locked at every entrance, so forced entry was easy to prove.

    The Police were as usual bloody toothless. "


    "Also thanks to Human Rights et al, the Govt. cannot get rid of Abu Qatada."


    "I bet if half a dozen caravans ended up on Devious Dave's lawn the law would soon change. "

    Oh, I'm not so sure. Didn't one of the Labour harpies get some next to her when Labour were in power, and nothing was done?
