Wednesday 27 March 2013

And Now It Claims A Life…

An electrician shot himself in the head after discovering sex allegations had been made against him, an inquest heard.
Were they proved false?

Well, no. No-one's interested in that now the alleged perpetrator (who denied it vehemently) is dead...
At yesterday's hearing it emerged Mr Copestick died never knowing the full details of the allegations, although he had strenuously denied any wrongdoing.
He was also unaware no further action was going to be taken against him as detectives had already interviewed the two females making the complaints.
Both females had chosen not to pursue the matter further.
The signs are compelling though, I'd suggest.
Detective Constable Gary Cliffe told the inquest police had not had a chance to interview Mr Copestick about the allegations.
He said: "Two females were seen by police, but neither wished to pursue the complaints."
 And will any investigation be made into them? Surely not! That's too much like work.
Margaret Jones, assistant deputy coroner for North Staffordshire, recorded a verdict that Mr Copestick killed himself.
She said: "We will never know if these allegations were substantiated or unsubstantiated. But it's very clear Mr Copestick said they were wrong. He denied the complaints. He went to the bedroom, using a shotgun, and sadly took his own life."
If it was suicide, it was assisted suicide.


  1. Hugo Tillinghast27 March 2013 at 13:13

    "If it was suicide, it was assisted suicide"

    I assume you don't mean that literally! Nevertheless, a malicious and/or knowingly false complaint might be the basis of a manslaughter prosecution but, as you imply, the authorities aren't bothered. If the complaint in question was malicious then the complainants, who were apparently content not to see a prosecution proceed on the basis of their complaints, have got away with (near-)murder.
    Tangentially, how come the complaints became the subject of gossip locally? This wasn't dealt with in your quoted report. Were complaints leaked by the police or did the complainants, who I assume were locals, trash (rightly or wrongly) Mr Copestick's reputation by speaking out publicly? Whatever, the case probably stops right there because, fairly obviously, the police aren't going to do anything further.

  2. No indeed, more's the pity. Though if he were a minor BBC celebrity from the Eighties, I'm sure the police wouldn't let a little thing like death stop them... :/
