Wednesday 20 March 2013

Attempted Shakedown FAIL!

A primary school teacher whose religious observance forbids her eating non-halal meat says she felt distraught after tucking into what she believed was a fish pie ready meal – only to discover that it contained unblessed meat.
Think yourself lucky, love! Some people* complain when it doesn't!
Muslim Runa Begum bought the meal, which she says was labelled as a fish pie from Tesco Express in Romford Road, only to discover that it was a non-halal meat lasagne.
Oh, no, not straight away! No, no, it's worse than that..
Ms Begum, of Manor Park, said: “I brought it to work for my lunch break.
“When I opened the meal it looked white like a fish pie with the cheese and lasagne plates on top. It wasn’t until I put a bite in my mouth that I thought it tasted like meat and realised it was a meat lasagne.
I have never, ever, seen a fish pie that wasn't topped by mashed potato or pastry, rather than pasta...

But still, this is a Muslim, so cue the OUTRAGE!
“As a Muslim I only eat halal meat, which is my personal choice, and I felt sick to the stomach that I had eaten other meat without my knowledge.
“I felt distraught and angry that they were not be more vigilant with the packaging with what is going on in the media about the horse meat scandal.”
So you thought you'd whinge and shriek about it in the press. That's helpful. Were you hoping to pressure Tesco into a compo claim?

Because if so, you're on a hiding to nothing:
But after investigating her complaint Tesco says their fish pie and lasagne products are made in different factories and that they are confident the products could not have been swapped around before reaching the store.
Tesco can hardly go round checking that some joker hasn't swapped the sleeves on every ready meal, can they?



  1. Oh, I know what happened here... These things have a card sleeve that can slide off. The shelf stacker under pressure to meet targets probably slipped the wrong sleeve onto the pack. Someone, somewhere, expecting a lasagne got a fish pie.

  2. How in the hell wouldn't you notice before you started eating it?!?

    Did she have her eyes closed when she took it out of the microwave or something? Did she not notice the bolognese sauce as she took the first fork full out of the container? I mean look at the bloody picture they have!! ;o)

    Attempted shakedown indeed...nice to know the lying little thing teaches children

  3. Would you not notice from the smell and the way that fish pie is made of mash and fish in a cream sauce, whereas lasagne has red stuff and pasta sheets in it?

    I would not trust a person with any responsibility if they are not capable of distinguishing these two obviously different substances.

  4. How about the typical situation where a person thought "Ooh, good compo if I just accidently lose the sleeve off this one and accidently put the sleeve of another one on I will be rolling in the dough!"

    Yawn. What doesn't kill you......


  5. Numbnut.

    God help us if a teacher can't tell the difference between fish pie and lasagne. As to the religious aspect: tough. Let me put it plainly:
    You. Are. Responsible. For. What. Goes. In. Your. Stomach.

    Capisce? No one else. Not Tesco, not the government. You.

    My son is coeliac. We send him off with a packed lunch. On the days he wants a school meal we provide the school with gluten free fish fingers and chips or GF pasta or whatever. We pay for it, because its our responsibility to feed him and to make sure what he eats is won't harm him.

    Is it going to reach the stage where grown adults expect the state to wipe their arses for them? (presumably with Sharia-compliant bog paper).

  6. “I felt distraught and angry that they were not be more vigilant with the packaging with what is going on in the media about the horse meat scandal"

    I know love. Terrible innit.

    All beardy-weirdy-savile blessed meat should be clearly labelled so the rest of us harams can avoid it. 'Course it might put the price up a bit for you but you wouldn't mind that for religious observance sake,would you ?

  7. I once fell foul of a "Cod in Parsley Sauce" that turned out to be Cheese. I am allergic to the stuff, fortunately I recovered but other than a minor complaint re the labelling, I let it drop. Oh I never bought another of their products either. Chalked it up to "Lifes Experiences" and kept on going. No trip on the "Outrage Bus" for me... Oh well...
    TTFN :)

  8. Bunny

    Oh dear how sad, never mind.

  9. I would suggest the lady's trauma will continue.......right up to the point that the compensation cheque clears!

  10. "Someone, somewhere, expecting a lasagne got a fish pie."

    I wonder if they too didn't notice until they'd eaten a bite?

    "I would not trust a person with any responsibility if they are not capable of distinguishing these two obviously different substances."

    Me neither, but this IS Newham!

    "Is it going to reach the stage where grown adults expect the state to wipe their arses for them?"

    If that's not quite the wrong tense yet, I suspect it won't be too long...

    "I would suggest the lady's trauma will continue.......right up to the point that the compensation cheque clears!"

    It looks like Tesco have seen her off. Good!
